chapter 102

“Noa, why aren't you dressed yet?." Kai asked me from the other side of the door.

" I just took by bath, I'll be ready in a short while. “

" Be quick. “ He said and I heard movements outside. He had grabbed a cutlass, I had heard the sound of metal on stone.

I had worn my clothes and combed my hair, if Kai saw me now he would be very disappointed, he always said that I loved to groom myself even when it wasn't necessary.

To me grooming was necessary. This time last year I was getting ready for my eighteenth birthday, not that I had celebrated it and not that I'll celebrate it this year, it's just that birthdays are very special days. To Kai they were just like every other day.

“I'm ready." I told him. He was hunched over a bench, he was sharpening the balde of his knife on the ground.

“Where's your cutlass?." He asked me.

“I don't need to carry one, you have one already."

“What if you need to hit something." He asked turning to me.

“Kai, you're the older brother, you're the
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