Mr William began to develop certain challenges with his health. He suddenly began to breathe very fast one Thursday night, unable to sleep and this caused panic among his wife and children.

So they rushed him to the hospital. Before Mr William's driver could arrive at the hospital, he died on the way.

His wife and children mourned for him and it was a sordid experience for the William family. When Amelia got to know about it, she cried endlessly and found it very difficult to be comforted.

Mr William was both a father and friend to her and she knew that no one could fill up the vacuum that he had left.

Because of the loss, she and Dub took three days to leave from work, so decided to spend the leave with her family, since everyone needed to be together this time, at least to comfort each other.

On the first day that she arrived there, everyone was busy weeping and no one seemed to see anybody.

Amelia had noticed that her mother did not stop crying since she arrived and the peopl
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