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By: Jaydee CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 68 views: 11.9K

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Being the only son and a part of the richest and most powerful family man in the world was really something to look out for and considering the part of the comfort and recognition it brings makes it more amazing and interesting. I love the access my family's wealth and given me and everything but one thing i never liked about it is the fact that i can not go out as every other person without being noticed and attracting unnecessary attentions which made me not comfortable but thinking about the other part of being rich. I still want to be rich even in my next world.

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  • benjaminnwafor40


    I love it.

    2023-02-02 23:48:44
  • bsorgbara


    I love this novel

    2023-02-02 23:20:55
  • jayvincents


    I love this novel and i highly recommend it for you, if you are desperate to read a nice Urban Novel. Kudos author.

    2023-02-02 17:33:09
  • onyinyechijohnhannah


    Wow! what a book. I highly recommend you read this book, when you start, just be patient and continue reading, you will love it. ......

    2023-01-31 22:00:29
  • Jaydee


    I love this book and i love the fact that the author updates nothing less than two chapters each day.

    2023-01-31 06:40:26
  • Goodluck Ernest


    Highly recommended. I love the book and would love you to check it out. It's one of the best I've read so far.

    2023-01-26 07:31:45
  • Jaydee


    This book is my favourite so far, i recommend you read it.

    2023-01-18 13:33:14
Latest Chapter
68 chapters
CHAPTER 1My sister Blessing walked toward the entrance of the Rosey Boutique.Some people came out and started taking pictures of the daughter of the richest man in the whole wide world.I know they will not be able to get a good picture because she was masked as usual and the bodyguards were really doing a great job by not allowing anyone to come close nor touch my sister Blessing.Finally, they stepped into the boutique and she started buying what she came for and i was forced to stay for a longer time as they crowd were still much at the entrance of the boutique.My sister did not do as if i was outside as that was our plan not to let anyone know that i was her younger brother and the only son of the richest man.So, i waited for an extra 30 minutes after she went in and when i was ready to go in, i droped my mask in the back seat of the car and on a second thought, i wanted to go in with it but i changed my mind as i wanted to see whether i will be recognised as i am already tire
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Chapter 2 - MARTIAL ART
What do you want to think of, we are saying the truth and that is final.That is one thing about my sister, no matter what happened she will always want to say the truth whether you threaten her or not.The call dropped as we were still arguing and i thanked God for letting the call to drop, at the same time praying for my dad not to call again but i was wrong.Her phone is ringing again.I wanted to ask her not to pick but she already did.Hello, daddy!Hello Blessing!Where are you and your brother Prime?Daddy, we are on our way to the house now, we will be there in few minutes.We drove for about 20 more minutes before getting to our mansion, we inputted the house code and the gate open for us to drive in.Our gate is an electrical gate that opens and closes by codes.Immediate we stepped out of the car, here is my dad and i knew that he was very much pissed and he started questioning us on sight.Where do you guys go to? I thought you said you wanted to shop for few things? How c
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Chapter 3 - DRUGGED
As I was done packing up some equipment we used, I went inside to meet my parents already waiting for me to come in.I was surprised and I asked them why is everyone standing here looking at me at the same time?My dad said, son you have made our family proud today and I and your mum are very happy and pleased with you.Our son is now a strong warrior at age 10, it really a thing of celebration, don’t you think?‘It is my dear'.My son, my warrior Prime! Just go inside and freshen up, I and your sisters will dress the room and prepare a delicious meal for we are going to have a feast tonight in this house to celebrate your success.That thoughtful of you the wife of my youth let me go and invite my friends and my brother Uncle Sam because I want this feast to be a big and memorable one for every one of us. We will drink and eat tonight with joy.I went to my room and freshened up, waiting for the so called celebration feast to start, I took out my gaming pad and started playing games
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Chapter 4 - My Friend Princewill
In no time, I was done with the shaving of my hair and thank goodness, I was not looking like a rich kid or Prime. I was looking like a kid from ghetto and that was all I wanted to do as to disguise myself for few years as the case maybe. Because considering everything that has happened, I do not think I am going back anytime soon.I wanted to damage my sim card as to avoid being tracked but I decided to check the social media one last time to see what was really going one.As I logged in, I saw the news of my family’s assassination and my uncle Mr. Sam was on television telling the reporters that he went to his room to get something and as he was in his room, he started hearing of some noise and screams, he used the cctv camera to observe and he saw that it was assassins who have invaded my celebration party and killed everyone including me.I was very angry but I managed to listen more to see what he said.They journalist asked him and you saw your brother’s family being slaughtere
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Chapter 5 - I Am Not A Thief
The next morning, we woke up and Princewill asked me to give him the remaining money I was with so that we will buy little way and take our birth, at least wash our faces and hand brush our teeth.I dipped my hand in my pocket and brought out the remaining little money with me and we and he took it and added it to the one that was with him and he rushed out to buy the water while I stayed back lying down.I waited for some time before Princewill came back with sachets of water few loafs of bread for breakfast, after washing our faces, we ate the little loafs of bread and went out again to beg for money.We went to the junction that we were the previous day but they were a lot of people there begging, so Princewill said if we stay there, we may not make anything for the day so he asked me to come that he knows somewhere else that we can go to without seeing much people begging like us.We went to this other junction and thank God it was as he has predicted, there were just few beggars
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Chapter 6 - Stolen Gold
We agreed to continue as that was a huge money for us and a break through as it was going to take us out of the street if we can do that for at least 2 years consistently, we will have a chance to get a reasonable and responsible job and stay off the street forever which was our dream.The next day, Princewill went out again and came out with more groceries and chains, we sold them and made more money and in few weeks Princewill was already addicted to stealing and I was also addicted to selling stuffs.We were able to get nice cloths and our leaving the street was getting closer, we continue for 1 ½ year and we were already planning on getting a small house for ourselves as we have saved up a lot of money that we are going to spend.We dug a pit and bought a cylinder where we put all the money and then burry it, we saw a house in the neighborhood that was for sell for US $1,000 and we decided to get the house the next day with the money as we had more than enough money now.We ate fi
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Chapter 7 - Caught In The Cave
Someone is inside the cave, one of them that came into the cave first shouted coming closer to me.I sat quietly without moving or altering any single word.I know, it is a waste if i should do anything now that i have been caught red handed.Everything was over including my dreams of starting a new dreams of getting a legal job is all over as i wait for my karma to deal with me.I found him. 'Who?' The thief that snatched the gold out of Mrs. Philips land this morning.The gold is here too! He said grabbing the gold even as some other men came in roughly, they grabbed me and dragged me out of the cave as an animal.Immediately, we got out of the cave, they started beating me.Some where using sticks while others were using whatever they could find to hit me until my nody started gushing out blood.I was just shouting for the pain and the injury they are inflicting on me.I cried and cried until Mrs. Philip came and stopped them from beating me.Mrs. Philip asked me, 'are you
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Chapter 8 - My Life In A Strangers House
I fell down on my face and started thanking them for everything they have decided to do for me and for deciding not to send me to the police to be jailed.I promised them that i will do everything under my power to stay peacefully with them until the day God will grant me my freedom and bless me with my own personal family.They called Precious their first daughter to come and help me clean up my body and also get some drugs for me to enable me heal faster.Their first daughter Precious came inside with a bucket of warm water and a rag to help me do the cleaning first.I noticed that Precious or her mother Mrs. Philip realized who i was and i was grateful it was so. So i decided to keep it to myself and watch what will happen.Precious helped me and cleaned up all the blood stains on my body and asked me to wait for her to go and get some drugs, pain killer and barm for my wounds and i sat down waiting for her as she rushed out to get them in the nearby pharmacy.She came back almost
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Chapter 9 - The Assassination
I was in the parlor with my parents when we the news showed on our DSTV, the news broadcaster said that the family of Mr. John, the billionaire was assassinated by an unknown men who broke into his mansion and killed everyone who were inside.Mr. John's brother later confirmed that the unknown men came in as everyone were already drunk as they were having a celebration feast that night in respect to Prime's success in learning the Martial Art and winning his first combat.He also said that he survive because he went into his room to get something but he started hearing people scream so he turned on the cctv and saw some unknown men who were masked slaughtering everyone in the house and he couldn't do anything.It's a lie!What do you say? She asked.Nothing, i am just saying that Mr. Sam must be lying.Why do you say so?How will you tell me that the time you went into your chambers was the time the assassins came in and you saw everyone being slaughtered but you could not do anything
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Chapter 10 - I Am In Love
After i left his room, i was convinced he was Prime the only son of Mr. John from the most powerful family in the entire world.Considering all the fact surrounding his life.From the moment the men brought him into the house i knew i have seen him before but i refused to tell my parents.I also noticed the uneasiness he felt after i asked him about his surname, he knows that if he hand said that he will be recognized, so he changed his lied about his surname being Samuel.When he said Samuel, i purposefully told him his life story as to tell him i know everything about him but it was obvious that he was ready to hide his identity for some unknown reason or maybe he did not trust me as everyone was after his life including my parents.His staying in our house was going to be difficult for him because he will be treated in a way he do not like and if he had exposed his identity to my mum, everything might have been different but i believe he knows why he kept everything a secret and st
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