“And so, when we woke up, we were trapped here with no way to escape. My husband turned into an unrecognizable rampaging monster,” Shirayuki said concluding the tale to how they ended in the Arodis system to Arthur.

Arthur nodded, though he couldn't understand one key point if these so called beings existed, why didn't they show themselves? And why would Arodis, the person that blessed him with this immaculate system try to take Dante's power? Yet wants him to fix the war between Shirayuki and Dante?

It didn't make any sense to Arthur. He looked up at Shirayuki on the throne and sighed, the system had alternative motive if he was being honest with himself. “So what happened to your child? Also where can I find Dante?”

Shirayuki closed her eyes and focused a bit, after a few seconds she opened her eyes and stared directly in the eyes of Arthur. “My daughter is here with me, she's the only one Arodis doesn't have a hold on. As for my husband, he's in the barren lands,”

“Alright, I'll be
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