Son of Eros

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Son of Eros

By: Wichser OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 24 views: 848

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In a society which celebrates the wealthy and punishes the poor, Pan is bullied and humiliated by his classmates and his family. At the breaking point, he realizes he is the heir of a powerful god, and his destiny lies in ruling the world.

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  • SSThea


    The world-building is very good in the first chapter but too much description. I lost focus and re-read again to understand the world. Full stats for the story.

    2024-06-09 19:19:12
  • Oshim Lawrence


    You already have an Intriguing plot, all the smut is not necessary

    2023-07-25 17:44:36
Latest Chapter
24 chapters
Chapter 1 The Abandoned God
High on a mountain peak, a man sat under an ancient elder tree in deep meditation. His eyes were shut and an onlooker would think he was no longer alive. The man’s body was powerfully built, dressed in ancient armor and mail, exuding power and domination. Vines entwined around him and flowers grew out of his armor, making the spectacle extremely bizarre. It was a bright but cool morning, and nature was in perfect harmony. Insects raked, birds sang, and animals joined the chorus. Nobody would expect what universe-altering event was about to happen. The man was old indeed, but only of age. He had lived for centuries and yet had the physical constitution of a forty-year-old man in his prime. His aura was thick and divine like a god. He was, in simple terms, an immortal. The tiny planet, Erode, was his sanctuary and prison. It was a quarter the size of the Earth’s moon. One could drive around the planet’s circumference in a day. It had a modest blue sea and two new-fold mountain ran
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Chapter 2 The Arrogant Goddess
Karina leaned forward, making a slutty display of her yawning cleavage. “I believe you are a god hyped by ecstatic followers. I think you got lucky in your battles. Besides, your powers must have diminished in seclusion. Once I eliminate you, I will consume your divinity and take your throne. Then I will be welcomed in the assembly of gods as one among them…” Eros sighed again. ‘Foolish girl,’ he thought. ‘The assembly of gods has sent you as a desperate ploy…’ “Sweet Goddess, I would gladly give away my powers. But they are too tremendous and extensive to be contained in your fragile body. Therefore, your adventure must end here. I intend to spend eternity here in my prison. In fact, I would advise you to keep your distance, lest you should be affected by my powers. Be gone!” Goddess Karina threw back her head and laughed with disdain. Her breasts shuddered like mountains, and her belly button quivered like a volcano. “I am not scared of you, old man,” she fired back, leavi
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Chapter 3 First Day of Academy
Pan Osbourne was optimistic today. He was eighteen, and it was his first day at Cloyster Academy of Technology. Even though he was poor and likely to be mistreated, he was still excited to learn and get ahead in life. The boy had been looking forward to this day after graduating from high school. The latter had been a nightmare. Pan’s wealthy classmates enjoyed torturing and humiliating him. They would burn his books, spill water on his homework, throw his lunch to the dogs, fill his desk with cat turds, and so on. He could not complain to authorities because nobody cared about helping a poor kid. The rich bullies always got away. Pan’s treatment was not so different at home. His parents died in a car crash when he was a baby and since then his uncle’s family adopted him. However, they treated him like a servant. His elder cousin brother, two older sisters, and one younger sister, were all given special treatment while Pan was considered a humiliation to the family. They mad
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Chapter 4 The Diva
Pan was sent to the medical wing, where Nurse Jane patched him up. “You shouldn’t try to stand out, little guy,” she advised him. “Government regulations give us the right to go to schools and colleges, but we must keep our mouths shut until we graduate.” Pan figured she had been a sponsored student as well. But he wasn’t paying much attention to her. Part of him wanted to kill Gergich, while the other part was staring down the nurse’s huge cleavage. He felt guilty for both actions but couldn’t help himself. ‘What’s wrong with me these days?’ he wondered. ‘I’m not able to focus on studies. Something seems to be calling to me.’ “Everybody knows that ultimately we will join the menial labor force,” Jane concluded. “Trying to act smart or attempting to mix with blue bloods will only get you hurt.” “What about cheek?” he asked, wincing. Jane smiled and gave him a peck on his injured cheek. “You’re a handsome, healthy boy. The injury will heal soon.” *** When Pan returned to cl
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Chapter 5 The Trap
“Pan Osbourne, right?” Jessica asked cheerfully, walking ahead of him in the corridor. It was a windowed passage that led to the college gymnasium. Ample sunlight lit the entire length of the gallery. “That’s correct.” “Ah, then Leo Osbourne is your brother?” Leo was twenty-two and in his third year at Cloyster Academy. He was the Student President of the academy, and a popular figure for his good looks and grades. Compared to his brother, Pan was a nobody. “Yeah… He is…” Did Jessica want to use him to get to Leo? “Your parents are elite suppliers of construction equipment, aren’t they?” Pan nodded. His parents started the business when they were alive. It was taken over by his uncle shortly after their untimely deaths. “Yeah, but I am not a part of the main Osbourne family. I work there as a servant.” “I see…” “Can I say something, Jessica?” Pan posed. “Go ahead.” “Umm, you are quite popular. I hate to say it… but you should not be seen with me. Since I’m fr
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Chapter 6 Frustration
Pan tried to get up, but Marc stepped on his chest, pinning him down. “Where do you think you’re going?” “Please, let me leave,” he begged. The group exchanged glances and snickered. “Oh, you are a busybody, aren’t you? Going to hide under your brother’s shadow?” “You’re pathetic even as an Osbourne!” Jerry said with a sneer. More laughter followed. “I-“ “Shut up, bitch!” Roonie fired. “Explain why you were trying to act smart today in class!” Pan folded his hands. “I’m sorry. Professor Gergich punished me for it. I won’t do it again!” Marc took the foot off his chest, and Pan struggled to his feet. But there was no path to escape. The group surrounded him, and a couple of them spat at him. He wiped the spit off his arms. Anger welled up in him, but what could he really do? “Marc,” Mindy said. “I saw him following Jessica just now.” The Class President’s eyes flared. “What! Is that true, bitch?!” “No! She asked me to follow her.” The group broke out in laughter. “
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Chapter 7 Finding Sunlight
Pan was underwater and did not know how to swim. He was almost out of breath and started guzzling water. The lake water was clear, sweet, and cold. It was almost welcoming. 'What sort of trap is this?' he thought in panic. 'Did my bullies set this up?' But the magic he was experiencing was too advanced to be carried out by a first year. Did he fall into one of the academy's ponds? Initially, his instincts acted up, and his fingers reached for the surface, wiggling as a signal for help. However, as his body flailed helplessly, he saw the surface retreating. Pan was sinking. Nobody saw the boy drowning, and hence nobody came to his rescue. Every insult that he had ever been subjected to flashed across his mind. The words resonated in his head and hurt him like fatal slaps. 'Why do I let myself be treated like shit?' he wondered. Pan was convinced he was dying, but part of him gasped for air, trying to break to the water's surface. 'Why am I struggling to live?' 'The wor
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Chapter 8 New World
Pan's vision had just returned to normal. He raised his eyes and saw a world that one could see only in fantasy movies. The downhill view was of an exotic land brimming with life, with such diverse and outlandish flora and fauna, that he was transfixed for an entire minute. Birds and animals of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Dancing and swaying trees. Walking seedlings. An aura of red and blue fog. Tiny creatures which looked like fairies or pixies. The more Pan looked at the world below him, the more he was convinced that he was dead. "If you are done sightseeing, I have some business to talk about," a voice interrupted his thoughts. Pan gave a start and almost fell off the edge. He snapped around and looked for the voice's source. The boy looked, and he looked again. He scanned the entire area, squinted his eyes, and waved his hands. However, he could find nobody there. "Down here!" the voice said with irritation. Pan lowered his gaze and saw a frog by the pond's e
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Chapter 9 Eros’ Extended Family
Pan almost died underwater. If what he was currently experiencing was one last dream of fantasy, then it was pretty entertaining. If it was fake, then he had nothing to lose. If it was real, then his life was about to change forever. But first, he needed to win the successor contest. He nodded to the talking frog, finally having wrapped his head around the situation. "I agree. Please begin." Jewel hopped down from the leaf pedestal and said, "Excellent! Let's proceed. Currently, we are on a lower slope of Mount Filo, which has four rungs. You must pass three of them successfully to get to the top. The fourth rung is the summit, where you can meet your divine parents." Pan nodded. "Let me open a portal to the first rung," Jewel said. The talking frog croaked in a musical rhythm. Water from the pond rose and formed a large, swirling circle in front of them. "Follow me!" he instructed before hopping into the magic ring. He did not come out the other way but vanished. Pan to
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Chapter 10 Eros' Extended Family 2
"Amateur," Jewel whispered to Pan. "This kid thinks that Eros' responsibilities are only concerned with fornication. Clearly, the boy has not been tutored well." The talking ferret, Sebastian, looked embarrassed. "Next!" Felix announced. A rattlesnake slithered forward, and Pan almost gave out a gasp. "Hellosss. I am Fluffy. Plsss welcome my very talented candidate… Hisssss…” Pan raised his eyes to the human behind the snake. She was a petite girl who looked almost like a doll. Not taller than five foot two, she was in ponytails and wore a pink suit. Pan thought he had seen her somewhere before. "Hiiiii!" the girl chirped. "I am Jacqueline. You can call me Jackie! I come from Esther city. I want to become Eros's successor, smite everyone with love and kisses, and fill all hearts with stars and flowers." She made a victory sign for everyone. The audience applauded. Jackie was charming indeed. She could be a singing idol, perhaps. Pan found her very adorable. He could hold her
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