Fierce Bidding

Chapter 94

“These are the instructions.” Mr. Wells continued. “All nominees can raise the bid once it is declared open.”

The nominees were paying keen attention. Silence had ensured as the stage was now the center of attraction.

“Once you guys make a pronouncement, know that there is no going back. The amount you bid is irreversible so you must bid with caution.”

Kelvin cleared his throat loudly. “Keep those dumb instructions to yourself. Let’s get on with the bidding already,” he mumbled but Nathan heard him.

“After the bidding reaches its peak and there are no more additions, the winner must pay instantly right here. Do you guys understand?” Mr. Wells stressed.

“Yes sir!” some of the nominees chorused.

Nathan nodded and adjusted his mask.

As far as Kelvin was concerned, nothing was stopping him from winning the bid. He felt the card in his breast pocket with a smile.

Mr. Tyson concluded that the highest amount the Alcantara heir could bid was 500 million because the highest t
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