I cheated

Keagan Stephens stepped back up to the podium, slammed his hand on the board, and spoke sternly, "I'll give you one minute. If someone wants to confess, they can copy the test three times and receive a zero. Otherwise, I'll be checking the camera footage, and the consequences will be much worse."

Everyone in the class remained silent, and Keagan Stephens asked, "Still no confessions?"

Raina Roberson pointed to a few students sitting near her and said, "Mr Stephens, you should check the people sitting next to me."

Keagan Stephens looked at the papers in his hand, scanned the faces of a few students, and then stopped at one table.

"Kai, why are you staring at that table? Got a headache or something?"

"Stephens, it was me," Kai Cunningham kept his head down, stammering. "I threw the paper."

Keagan Stephens was taken aback by Kai's admission because he was a model student. His teachers were very sympathetic to him. Despite not having a wealthy family background, Kai had entered the school
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