The Great Library (IV)

Celeste carefully trotted along as she approached both Nex and Setsuna. The slowly hid behind the bookshelves as she peeked through the books.

While doing so she listened in their conversation.

Nex picked up books on whatever the hell caught her interest. However her eyes never stayed on one book for too long. She sighed as she closed another dusty tome. "If Nova was here I'd already fed him everything in this library." She said shocking Setsuna. "Feed him? Feed him how? like a fish?"

Nex scratched her cheeks but before she could answer she spotted a fresh pair of eyes staring straight at them with unconcealed interest. Her eyes gleaming in curiousity as she leaned in the shelves much closer forgetting that she was concealing herself.

"Well... for starters nova eats for some reason like the rest of us who needs energy to survive. I remember him telling me he's converting the innate mana residing on things to fuel his energy reserves or something. I don't know. I'm not too sure on how
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