Reveal Identity

Azara stepped closer to the hut followed by Azka who was still confused as to why Azara had come to the house.  In front of the hut, an old man was seen arranging the used goods he had just collected from scavenging.

 "Grandpa..." Azara called out to the man.

 But the man just stood there without looking up.  It seemed the man didn't hear Azara's voice.

 Then Azara called him again with a louder voice.

 "Grandpa...excuse me," shouted Azara.

 The man turned and immediately came to Azara.

 "Sorry, grandpa didn't hear. What's wrong?"  he said in a slightly trembling voice.

 Azara glanced at Azka who still looked confused.

 "Sorry Grandpa, did you see what happened near the empty building?"  said Azara while pointing at the empty building where the woman's body was found.

 The old man just kept quiet then shook his head.

 "No, Grandpa didn't see anything there," he said quietly.

 But somehow Azara felt sure that the old man was speaking a lie.

 Then she again urged the grandfather to be honest.

 "Grandpa, did you see anyone passing around here last night?"  said Azara continuing to urge the old man.

 "No, grandpa didn't see anyone passing through here."  The old man looked doubtful.  His face also looked gloomy as if he was hiding something.

 'I don't want anything to do with the police.  I better not tell them,' said the old man in his heart.

 Azara heard what the old man said.

 "Grandpa, please cooperate, Grandpa! Tell us what Grandpa saw around here last night," said Azara, not stopping to urge the old man.

 "Let's just go home. Don't force him to talk about what he doesn't know," said Azka, pulling Azara's hand.

 "Wait a minute! I'm sure this grandpa is lying to us. I'm also sure that this grandpa knows something about the murder incident," said Azara assuring Azka.

 Azka became even more confused and surprised by the attitude of Azara who was so confident and confident.

 "Grandpa really doesn't know anything?" she said again.

 "Grandpa, I beg you to tell me the truth!"  said Azara now more slowly.

 'Should I just say yes, if last night I saw the perpetrator burning the victim's bag,' he said to himself.

 Again, Azara could hear the voice of the old man's heart.  Then she immediately replied to the old man, "Where is the bag now Grandpa? I want to see it now!"  said Azara and made the old man so surprised.

 The old man's face became frightened now that Azara could hear the voice of his heart.  Meanwhile Azka felt sorry for the old man looking depressed by Azara's question.

 Then Azka drew closer to the old man because Azka couldn't bear to see his wrinkled face getting more depressed.

 "Help me, this woman is a monster. She can hear my heart," said the man while hiding behind Azka's back.

 Azka became even more confused by what the old man had just said.

 "Azara, what does that old man mean you can hear his heart? What is this about?"  Azka said, frowning.

 "This grandpa found the bag of the murder victim last night. And I'm sure the bag is still in this house. We'd better search it for evidence," said Azara confidently.

Azara grabbed Azka's hand and brought him into the hut.  But Azka refused and stopped Azara's steps.

 "Wait! But how do you know that grandpa found the victim's bag? I haven't heard grandpa say that," said Azka suspiciously.

 "Don't ask too many questions. This time, trust me. Now it's better if we go in and look for the bag," said Azara, pulling Azka's hand again.

 But Azka again refused and stopped Azara's steps.

 "We can't do that. We can't do what we want. Let's get back to the car!"  said Azka pulling Azara's hand towards their car.

 But Azara again let go of Azka's hand and still insisted on going into the hut.

 "Azka, please believe me this time. I'm sure the old man knows and still keeps the victim's bag in his house."

 Azka didn't want to hear Azara's words.  He kept walking towards the car.  Meanwhile the man immediately entered the hut because he was increasingly afraid of Azara.

 Azara also continued to chuckle following the old man to the front of the hut.

 "Grandpa, tell me right now where the bag is!"  said Azara again urging the man.

 "I told you I don't know!"

 The man was also still chuckling not to tell the truth.

 'I won't say that because I don't want to get into trouble with a criminal,' murmured the old man with a very frightened face.

 Again, Azara could hear the voice of the old man's heart.  Azara became even more sure now that the old man did know about the murder that took place near the empty building.

 "I don't trust you. I don't want anything to do with criminals either. So don't get me into that!"  said the old man with an increasingly tense face.

 "Trust us Grandpa. I'll definitely catch the culprit. Because I'm a policeman," said Azara looking into the old man's eyes sharply.

 Azka, who saw Azara's attitude, thought that Azara had a mental disorder.

 Then he came back closer to Azara and grabbed Azara's hand to take him back to the car.

 "Stop Azara! Please keep this attitude of yours!"  Azka said while pulling Azara's hand.

 "Be careful with this woman!"  said the old man as he walked into his house.  Azara wanted to go after the old man again but Azka grabbed Azara's hand and forced him to return to the car.

 "We can get the evidence from that geezer. If we lose the geezer then we will also lose the evidence, Azka!"  said Azara who was annoyed with Azka's attitude of not believing it.

 "I think you need to go to the doctor to check your mental condition, Azara! I'm worried about your condition," said Azka while looking into Azara's eyes.

 'I think he has a mental disorder,' Azka muttered in his heart.

 Reluctantly, Azara finally dared to reveal her true identity by responding to what Azka's inner voice had said earlier.

 "I also didn't think that someone with a mental disorder like you could become a police officer."  Azara turned to Azka.

 Suddenly Azka was immediately surprised because Azara could hear what Azka had just said in her heart.

 Azka's eyes immediately bulged, he also immediately stopped the car so surprised.

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