New Rules
The new rule passed by the Chairman of the Hunter Alliance created a buzz among the Hunters. As expected, the hunters and Guilds were not welcoming of such rule. They had reported to the Hunter Alliance in hopes of them providing a reasonable solution, but instead all they got was a ban telling bronze ranked hunters not to participate in dungeon runs.

Of course they were several bronze ranked hunters or Guilds who disregarded this rule and went ahead on dungeon runs. However their ending was far from ideal. The bronze ranked hunters all had their hunter’s license revoked permanently while the Guilds involved were given a 12 month ban on participating in dungeon runs.

A 12 month ban was similar to crippling the Guild’s flow of profit because they couldn’t rely on expeditions alone, needless to say that dungeon runs were twice as profitable as expedition.

When several hunters heard the harsh punishment passed on the hunters and Guilds that violated the rule, several bronze ranked hunt
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