The King of Dreams

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The King of Dreams

By: Mary Westmacott OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 59 views: 833

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The imprisonment of Morpheus, also known as The King of Dreams, who is captured by an occult ritual and held captive for decades. Finally breaking free, Morpheus returns to his realm, the Dreaming, only to find it in disarray and his powers diminished. As Morpheus embarks on a quest to restore his kingdom, he encounters a diverse array of characters, both mythical and mundane. He interacts with other members of the Endless, a group of powerful entities that personify aspects of existence, such as Death, Desire, and Destiny. Throughout his journey, Morpheus faces various challenges, battles ancient foes, and navigates the intricate web of dreams and reality. He explores different realms, including those inhabited by gods, demons, and fantastical creatures, all while grappling with his own identity and purpose. It explores profound themes such as the nature of dreams, the power of storytelling, the human capacity for both creation and destruction, and the complexities of the human psyche. Morpheus encounters mortals whose lives are intricately connected to the realm of dreams, and their interactions shed light on the profound impact dreams have on individuals and the collective consciousness. Morpheus undergoes personal transformations, grows in wisdom, and confronts his own vulnerabilities. It delves into the cyclical nature of existence and the inevitable cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Morpheus faces a momentous decision that will shape the fate of the Dreaming and its inhabitants. He must confront his past actions and make sacrifices that will forever alter the course of his realm and his own existence.

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  • Abass Bolanle


    I love this story, am not gonna lie. it's really fascinating.

    2023-07-15 01:38:45
  • Abass Bolanle


    I am definitely unlocking more chapters. thanks

    2023-07-11 03:21:48
  • Abass Bolanle


    nice and lovely story. have been looking for something like this. I love the struggle. the suspense and the pacing. please update the rest of the chapters. I hope Morpheus escape.

    2023-07-11 03:12:04
  • Mary Westmacott


    This story is nice

    2023-06-21 08:20:33
  • Mary Westmacott


    You would love this story guys

    2023-06-21 08:19:20
  • Abass Bolanle


    I love the story with actions. infact starting with action is the best

    2023-11-20 13:06:08
Latest Chapter
59 chapters
Chapter 1
The ruler of dreams, Morpheus, approached his throne and reached out to retrieve his helmet from its resting place. "My Lord, you are coming back, aren't you?" His second in command, Lucien, enquired with worry. "Why wouldn't I return, Lucien?" Morpheus replied as he placed the helmet on his head. "I don't know. It's just that a being as powerful as you, residing here in your realm, dreams rarely ventures into the waking world. Nightmares, however, seem to flourish there." Morpheus then produced his sand and disappeared into nothingness. Emerging from the shadows, Morpheus stepped forward and spoke in a hushed voice. "Corinthians, my works still exist only in dreams. They shouldn't roam among the living while enjoying the demise of mortals." He stood up, Corinth. "Wasn't this the reason you created me? Why should we limit ourselves to their unconscious minds?" He continued, "There is nothing stopping us from taking whoever or whatever we desire," but as Corinthians' knife slipped
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Chapter 2
The following evening, after a party at Magnus' house, there were no guards available to watch over Morpheus. Alex volunteered to keep an eye on the captive deity. He ascended the stairs with determination and entered the room where Morpheus was imprisoned.In the darkened chamber, Morpheus sat within the sphere, his head lifted. As Alex approached the door, he called out, breaking the silence. "Hello," he greeted, stepping closer to Morpheus. "It's Alex, the son of Magnus," he introduced himself, hoping to establish a connection with the enigmatic figure before him.Uncertain of Morpheus' ability to communicate or comprehend, Alex expressed his concerns. "You see, I don't know if you can speak or understand me, but I just wanted to ask: Are you alright in there?" As Alex anxiously awaited a response, Morpheus, driven by a mix of annoyance and anger, turned his head towards him.Alex paused, contemplating the situation before speaking to Morpheus. "No, of course, you are not," he ack
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Chapter 3
Alex heard the sound of glass breaking from a distance and hurried inside at the sound. When he heard a woman sobbing and saw Magnus storming out of a room, he quickly hid.Concerned, Alex entered the room and inquired about the cause of distress. Through tears, the woman replied, "I'm going to have a baby." Alex's face lit up with joy, and he exclaimed, "Ethel, that's wonderful news!" He smiled warmly and offered his heartfelt congratulations.Sniffling, Ethel shared, "He wants me to get rid of it. In fact, he's calling the doctor right now." Her words were filled with sadness.Alex offered a gentle presence, comforting Ethel in her distress. She glanced at him, her expression softening. "I will be fine," she said, managing a smile amidst her tears.Late at night, Ethel swiftly packed her belongings and stepped into the waiting car, driving away from the scene.Upon entering his room, Magnus immediately noticed the absence of Morpheus' vestments. It dawned on him that Ethel had taken
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Chapter 4
With a hint of regret in their voice, Alex's elder self said to Morpheus, "I could have sought after wealth or power, just like my father did." Alex said, "But all I ever wanted was to be free from your grip," with a broken heart."Alex, my dear," Paul cried as Alex sat down in a wheelchair, his hands firmly holding the device. Alex asked Paul to "please take me upstairs."As the wheelchair glided steadily across the circle, it left a visible line, shattering the once unbroken formation. Paul halted momentarily, casting a backward glance at the disrupted circle, realizing its demise. Then, his gaze shifted upward to meet Morpheus', acknowledging him with a nod and a smile, before departing from the room.Morpheus observed the broken circle, a sense of relief washing over him. Leaning forward, he directed his attention towards the guards stationed nearby. "Our Dracula still remains tight-lipped," remarked the female guard, engrossed in her novel. Curiosity piqued, the male guard inquir
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Chapter 5
"You're home, my Lord," Lucien whispered with a tinge of sorrow."I am," Morpheus replied, his voice tinged with relief as he regained consciousness.Morpheus needed assistance getting up from his prone position, so Lucien offered his hand. Together, they crossed the barren desert, their steps leading them to a towering gate covered with ancient statues, one of which conspicuously displayed the emblem of Morpheus' helmet.Morpheus reached out, his hand gently making contact with the gate. A resounding rumble echoed through the air as the gate swung open freely, granting them passage."Forgive me, sir, but... the realm, the palace... they are not as you left them," Lucien cautioned, her words laced with a mix of warning and anticipation. As the gate swung open, revealing the kingdom that Morpheus had once ruled, a profound shock coursed through him. His eyes widened in disbelief at the sight. There were no signs of trees, no bustling of life.When Morpheus returns from captivity, the
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Chapter 6
"A mystical dragon flies across a village with trees, a river, grass, and two houses in the land of dreams."The dragon landed on a roof and commanded Gregory to go immediately. 'You're going to trip and get wounded,' a man gave the dragon orders."The man said, "That's it."The dragon Gregory came down to the ground grumbling. It was speaking to the man in its own language. The man inquired, "Are you sure?"As a response, Gregory snorted.He laughs.The man stroked the dragon and said, "Good boy, Gregory, Good gargoyle."The man yelled for his friend's name and ran in his direction, calling out, "Cain, come quickly."While using a shovel to dig a hole and wearing glasses, Cain muttered to himself, "Blasted, bulbous,bilge-bubbling bollocks."The man yelled, "Cain!""What do you want, powder-brain? Do you not realize I'm working?" Cain answered in a stern manner."We have guests," the man said.Unexpectedly, Cain turned around to check for the visitors' location. "where?"Morpheus an
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Chapter 7
"Do you believe you're quite ready for this, your majesty?" she inquired, making Lucien concerned about Morpheus. "You haven't navigated these seas in a while.""Do you think I've forgotten how?" Morpheus questioned."No, but..." Lucien sighs.In the midst of a pitch-black, calm sea with ominous clouds, they were both standing on a long, narrow wool bridge. The ebony seas seemed to go on forever, motionless and lifeless.Morpheus, a tall figure with a regal bearing, stood with piercing eyes and flowing dark hair framing his features, looked out into the black sea."I can't ask The Fates for assistance without providing them with something in return," Morpheus said as he turned to face Lucien. "Nothing remains from the Dreaming." Morpheus had made up his mind.He explained, "I have to gather my offering from other people's dreams.""I understand. It's just that, in your absence, these waters have become darker, treacherous, unsafe," Lucien murmured worriedly."Morpheus advanced to the
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Chapter 8
When Ethel arrived at the heavily guarded building, the guards opened the entrance and greeted her as she entered gracefully. visiting Johnny, her son, in a light, white room. Ethel called out to her son, John, who was seated on a chair and wearing a hospital outfit, which he mistakenly thought of as a jail. With astonishment on his face, he raised his head and gave her a surprised expression. Ethel seldom paid her son any visits. He whispered "Hello, mama" Ethel inquired about his well-being. Johnny said that it was dull and lonely and that the location resembled a jail. Ethel corrected him, saying, "Hospital, John, and I can see you are getting better." Is that how you're checking to see whether I've forgiven you? John queriedEthel laughed and asked Johnny if he was okay as she turned to face him and acknowledged him. You're either trying to convince yourself or me, John smiled. "Am trying to speak with my son." Ethel said in a stern voice, "We need to talk."Johnny wasn't fol
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Chapter 9
Girving, the dragon, was approaching Abel's tomb, where Cain had laid him to rest. As soon as Abel spotted the newborn dragon, Abel dug himself out of the tomb. "Hello Girving, I mean Goldy," Abel greeted the dragon after sitting down. "For Cain's sake, I'll name you Goldy, but you'll always be Girving to me," Abel said to the dragon. Girving speaking to Abel in dragon language, Girving the dragon. "He's not to blame; he can't help it." Abel tries to explain to Girving why Cain keeps murdering and burying him every time he gets angry: "It's who he is, it's who we are." "First killer, first casualty. This is our story," he said."Do you even understand what a story is?" Girving was questioned by Abel." Should I tell you?" As he began his narrative, Abel grinned and adjusted his seat. "It's a secret story," he said. "It's a story of two brothers who were good to one another and who loved one other very, very much. Nice and compassionate. And...and brotherly, you know?" As he concl
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Chapter 10
To hide the fact that she was pursuing demons, Constantine insisted that they both repeat after her in Latin.The player started to grunt in discomfort and cough as soon as they began to repeat after Constantine. Princess, on the other hand, hoped that the footballer wouldn't become sick at their wedding.The Latin chanting of Constantine was resumed. As though a body was attempting to flee, a hand emerged from the baller's mouth.The baller's mouth gradually became larger as the body kept creeping out. The bodily portions were divided by the hands in the mouth. A tall, black, bread-haired, and demon with a deep voice was being reviled. Blood was all over the demon's body."Ric!" "You were right about the demon but wrong about the host," Constantine said as she called for the nun. Constantine gave the Nun the order to transport the princess to a secure location. The princess, who was covered in blood, fled the scene terrified. Demon growls, hearing Constantine chant, "You talk too
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