camille made another mess

Camille came home late at night drunk. After the threats William gave her, Daphne couldn't really think of what to do. Camille is stressed. She was very confused because she knew that William was not joking in the slightest with his threat.

It was quite late at night when Camille came home and saw her husband making love to another woman in bed. Camille took the wine bottle and Brak! Luckily it didn't hit Brandon's head or that bitch who dared to sleep in his house without shame. Brandon nimbly kept his mistress away from Camille.

"What the hell, Camille?" snapped Brandon angrily when his activities were interrupted.

“You really are a shameless bastard, Brandon!” Camille said pointing at Brandon with the broken head of the bottle.

Brandon smiled his smile. "You dare to fight me again? Oh of course! You're drunk." Brandon snorted.

“Don't you have even a bit of sympathy towards me. My company almost went bankrupt amid William's threats. I don't know what that bastard is going to do!” gr
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