The Tournament (3)

[Author's Note: Hi guys, it's been some time... I've been having massive problems with my internet connectivity which has made me unable to update rapidly like I am used to. Let's hope it will be resolved soon so that I can make it up to you. Oh, and please do leave reviews so I can know what you think of my book. Thanks!]


While the council were still out completing their missions, the tournament was still ongoing. The second round had ended and it was left with the 400 who had made it from the groups of 10

"Congratulations to all of you! It's not been easy but somehow you've made it into the 400. Don't get complacent though because it only gets harder from here," said Eric as he looked down at the remaining 400 participants.

There was a cheer from the crowd and the contestants.

Clearing his throat, he continued.

"For making it into the top 400, all of you will be given five low grade potions and 50 crystals. Now on to the rules of this next round. Unlike the other rounds, this r
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