Only I Am The Strongest

A crack appeared on the purple barrier, fear was written all over my face at the thought of dying.

I can't run, this light is just like an apocalypse, unless it is stopped, it won't stop.

If no one stops the light, it definitely is going to consume this city and who knows, the whole of the north.

Then I remembered the protection that the guild gave me, it is meant to increase the user's chance of survival. I took it out immediately and tore it into two.

White light appeared on the protection and it burned, converting into white light. When all of the protection burns, the lights from it shoot at the purple barrier and start to repair it.

The petrifying light consumes the barrier but the white light repairs it with a faster speed than it is being destroyed.

The petrifying light felt the resistance from the purple barrier, it shines brighter and brighter and hurts my eyes even after I have closed them.

I covered my eyes with my hands when my eyes started to hurt me and then, everyt
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