The Deceiver's Notes

"If possible I need protection for a while, I hate to break it but I have become a tasty prey in the eyes of someone "

Emma Eddie wasn't stupid enough to share everything about the matter, all she did was simply brush it off.

I noticed since linking on her words but I didn't press the matter.

Not that he didn't care but Emma Eddie having problems might somehow help him with knowing who the mastermind is. After, Emma Eddie did have a score with the mastermind.

Based on the series of leads I got yesterday, I had a general idea of the mastermind's pursuit; using the existence of one Deceiver's Note to get all of the Deceiver's Notes. The old man I saw last night who might be a pawn from the mastermind, died.

However, there was one thing among those leads that baffled him

Me, or more precisely the dead "me" what kind of role was he playing in all this?

Regardless of what angle I looked at the matter, I discovered that the death "Levin '' was really unnecessary. The only excuse I heard was
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