Chapter 106 - Sprouting Money

In the past few days, Arthur had been spending more and more time in the office due to the research he was conducting with Fan Tian, who was yet to return home. Tian felt that the office had become his new home; Edna had provided Tian with all the necessary amenities, and he spent all his time researching and sleeping a meager few hours.

"Mr. Fan, is there anything else you need?" Edna inquired, her voice a little stern as she observed him still working on his research in front of the computer late at night.

"Ah... uhm... No, Ms. Edna, I have enough, thank you," he replied gratefully, appreciating her thoughtfulness.

Edna had even gone out of her way to prepare a special chef for him since he hadn't had the time to leave his office room.

"Edna Unnie, you really spoil him, don't you...." Alicia said with a lighthearted laugh, "Maybe that's why you were chosen to be Arthur Oppa's personal assistant. If I were in your position, I would have kicked Tian out of his office room so he could
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