Chapter 19

Atlas sat alone with Benedict in the garden. The orange evening sky made the atmosphere warmer.

Benedict holding his wand, stared at Atlas with his old, wrinkled eyes.

“What do you think of life here, Atlas?”

Atlas looked at Benedict, he spoke how he felt but politely and didn't want to offend anyone.

“It's so different from where I've lived all this time, but I know that humans are different. For new things they just encountered, they tend to reject the first time, Grandpa.”

Benedict exhaled. He couldn't explain everything to the man who would become his son-in-law, he had to endure it and let what happened flow.

“This marriage has a purpose, Atlas.” that was all he could say, he held the end of his staff with both hands.

"I know, Grandpa. Master Blake is an accomplished thinker and so should you. If you plan something, there must be a purpose that you want. We probably won't know, but one day we will know why.”

Benedict smiled. If only his family behaved like Atlas, he realized they
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