Creeping Premonition

"Those bastards" swiftly he paced himself forward, fluttering his lab coat with a fierce air. The operators paused their work and made way for him while the supervisor and the captain argued.

Luis stood before them with a stern face. "Ahem"

He turned to Luis with a wry smile, said. "Ah, Professor"

"What are you two doing? Get back to your duties. I will handle this," Luis said, and stepped in front of the controls. 

"Yes." The supervisor pecked his head like a hen as he retreated. 

"Capt. Davis, activate the defence mechanism, A-103 and code P456" 

"Yes, Sir" Capt. Davis said. He pulled a slide from control panel and twisted it before he punched it in. A teal light beamed around the borders. "Defence activated" 

While on the outside, a transparent membrane shot from the front of ship and converged to the end, pushing the nearby rocks away. 

Luis hands typed codes on screen and slammed


This shall mark the final chapter, the end of book 1 of 'The Legendary System' You are welcome to vote and comment your views and experiences about my book. Did you like it? Please let me know. :) P.S- I will release book 2 of The Legendary System next year.

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