Aldehard jumped out of the bushes and grabbed her right until he took her out of the road. The trailer went past her with a full speed and that was when she realized that she would have been dead if he didn’t come to help.

“Aldehard?” She asked herself for the hundredth time, staring at him intently and trusting to decipher how possible it was that he had come to save her.

“Why did you save me?” Eliana asked Aldehard who was breathing heavily and looking towards the direction of the trailer.

It was clear that whosoever it was driving that trailer had a mission to kill Eliana.

“Do you have an idea of who it might be in that trailer?” Aldehard asked Eliana who was still gazing at him as though she have just seen a ghost.

She gulped down hard and shook his head negatively while he scoffed and nodded. He wasn’t quite surprised to see her gazing at him in such manner.

He was her core enemy and seeing that he had been the one to save her was definitely alarming.

Eliana took a step backwards
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