Chapter 177 - The War 2


Ten years had passed but the war is still not done. However, the result of the war could now be seen.

The forces of the Threads of Fate had already suffered an overwhelming defeat. A bit more and they will finally be defeated.

Indeed, after another year, the forces of the Threads of Fate are now wiped out.

However, just like normal times, the war would always be cruel. Both sides suffered many deaths. At the same time, although Red’s forces won, they are not in a good mood. They are grieving for their dead companions and family members.

“Everyone, the war has always been cruel. However, I would like to express my sincerest apology. If not for me, none of them should have died in this manner.”

At this time, Red is not merely talking. This is indeed what he felt. However, he knew that he cannot afford to make their sacrifices useless.

He had to finish what had been started.

He needs to defeat the Threads of Fate and l

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