The tall man with slightly long curly hair staggered into the house. His eyes were bloodshot, the smell of alcohol wafting through them as he passed. The gaunt face looked even more sinister because of the bloodshot eyes, Surya touched the doorknob when he felt he was about to fall.

He opened the door to the kitchen slowly, walking back to the dining table in the corner of the room. However, his steps had to stop because he stepped on something that made him frown. He saw the doughnut batter he stepped on, his right leg was so dirty that his long jeans were covered in doughnut batter even though it was only a little bit.

That annoyed expression came out as soon as he looked down, he grabbed the tray containing the doughnut dough that was rising then he slammed it just like that. Not only doughnut dough, he also slammed the cooked doughnuts many times. A loud noise in the kitchen made several people come out, they were surprised at Surya's behavior this morning.

"Father, those donuts
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