Chapter 23 : The Black Coat

“What?! Are you crazy?!” John exclaimed in shock. “Do you have any idea what the consequences would be if you got caught? Lord Courtney would have you killed on the spot!”

“Yes, I know! But I couldn't control my rage, John. My mind was going crazy." Samantha slumped to the ground and started to cry.

“Hey ... Hey, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you-”

Samantha shook her head. “No, it's okay.”

John wrapped his arms around her and said, "But how are you gonna get out of here? I heard that the palace is in chaos since it was revealed that there was an intruder."

“Sam helped me,” Samantha responded.

“What?! You got that boy involved?!” John asked suspiciously.

“No! It was all beyond my expectations. As I was trying to get away, I accidentally headed in the wrong direction and ended up in a wall right on the edge of a cliff, John. Just when I thought I was going to be discovered, a woman shouted that there was a fire and I took my chance to escape. When I finally managed to get out of t
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