Chapter 78

Hanging from a rope with her hands bonded together and her legs barely touching the ground, Acer finally opened her eyes. She could feel painful cuts on her face that felt like her flesh was bare.

She looked around, trying to make sense of where she was. She vividly remembered being at Washington's house and having a needle stuck in her. She began panicking, "Hello, is... anyone... in here?" She spoke in a suffocated whisper. Her voice was trembling.

She looked down, and that's when she noticed the blood all over her and the pieces that appeared to be skin. She knew it was hers but could not tell which part of her body it was from. A sickening wave of terror welled up from her belly as a voice from behind her finally spoke.

"Sleeping ugly has finally woken up," Texas said and began pushing on a high mirror.

"You are going to love what I have done with your face," she said as she brought the mirror in front of her hostage.

Acer stared at the mirror and let out a loud scream, forcing T
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