Chapter 5: “Story of Aru”

When the car is gone, just in time Jovie

wake up, and the royal army also arrived. The commander of the group bows to Babilo and says:

"Forgive me for the delay, are you injured?"

Babilo without a word of rebuke, gently says:

"I'm fine. Everything is still under control."

Jovie holds his head, rubs his eyes, and stands up. Suddenly, a soldier standing in the ranks exclaims when saw Jovie:

"Oh, Jovie. Why... why are you here?"

"Eh, Gerl, is that you?"

When the commander sees Jovie, he exclaims:

"Mr. Jovie, isn't it? Why don't you go to class but stay here?"

"Ah, I just helped General Babilo fight against a group of rebels who want to rescue Hochi. In a minute of carelessness, I have been beaten by one of them and then fainted... Wait for a second, where are the men in black? Did you let them go?"

"Sorry. When we get here, they are nowhere to be found. Just to see that Hochi is still here with the General Babilo."

"Hey, are you really the only one who fights against those reactionaries?"


"It's amazing," says another soldier.

"I heard that even though you are a teacher, you have quite a strong martial arts skill because you previously served in the army. It's a pity that I don't get to see you fight them with my own eyes yet."

When Gerl heard that, he is very proud of his friend, and flatters Jovie:

"Jovie's fighting skill is among the top level in our class. If it wasn't for his passion for being a teacher, he would have become a leader in that army in the future. The military has lost a talented man, what a pity!"

"Wow, being friends with a celebrity makes you so proud, Gerl, right?" says Gerl's commander.

"Oh, how do you know, commander?"

"Who doesn't know the relationship between the two of you? You still used to go around the palace outside working hours talking about him to the other soldiers, boasting that he was once a classmate. But it's best to keep your mouth shut, don't talk nonsense when Mr. Babilo is here, sometimes your mouth causes your flesh to sin"- The commander whispers

"I'm sorry. Because I'm excited to meet Mr. Jovie. Who wouldn't admire someone like that? Jovie inspires everyone in the military, his aura saves an ordinary person like me. I am very grateful for that."

Jovie finds Gerl says a bit too much, saying:

"Stop there, Gerl. That's a bit... Don't flatter me like that. And don't put yourself down for me either. It's not worth doing, Gerl!"

Gerl scratches his head and says:

"No, I mean... Sorry, I don't speak well, always make others misunderstand, I have to explain all the time after that, this weak point is too hard to fix. Actually, I mean that I always consider you as a goal to strive for. I know I won't be able to compete with you, but I'll do my best."

"Just be yourself. I find you superior to me in your enthusiasm and courage since we were in military school. If you try to hone your fighting skills and judgment, one day you will surely surpass me."

"I see that the teacher was right. I also see the hidden qualities in you. To be honest, you have a huge potential to develop, Gerl." The commander adds.

"So are you. Don't be self-deprecating, be brave, guys. Everyone comes from different places, but you all have the same ideal when coming to the country. I believe that one day you will be the pride and glory of the country. "Jovie energized the surrounding soldiers.

The rookies began clapping their hands in response, puffing out their chests, straightening their backs, and chanting the national anthem in joy and pride.

Babilo is not happy when everyone is in such a mood after Jovie's words. While each time with him, the soldiers appear weary, tired. No matter how many times he boosted morale to them before, they didn't perform as he expected. There is an invisible barrier between him and the soldiers. Soldiers still obey his orders, but in their hearts, scolding they do not respect a person who is always scolding when they make a mistake, and always scrutinizes their every gesture and word. He hurriedly interrupts the soldiers singing the national anthem, and says to Jovie:

"I acknowledge your courage. But next time, don't go to places like this, you'll only get in my way. Enthusiasm and stupidity if mixed together, would be vandalism, understand?"

Jovie knows Babilo has disliked him ever since he appeared at the Voidenorten palace as a tutor to Princess Ahana, the daughter of King Algorik II. Since he was at the palace, he has always been loved and trusted by King Algorik and the princess. In addition, he also had a close relationship with Duke Kinsley, Jovie becoming a tutor for the princess was also thanks to his Jovie was even favored by Kinsley to be promoted to Colvard School - an extremely prestigious school in the capital Uta to teach. The bias of everyone in the palace toward Jovie made Babilo extremely uncomfortable, and dissatisfied, he constantly made trouble for Jovie and always blamed him for the one who took away his aura, as well, even though Jovie had already denied it over again and again.

"I just accidentally got dragged into this fight. My mother wanted to come here, so I went with her. If I hadn't come with me, I wouldn't know how bad things would have been. I just did what a citizen should do..."

"Dare to argue again? Why don't you just disappear and go home to your mother, why linger here? Who needs you? If you die there, it'll so complicated with me."

Jovie grows more and more annoyed with Babilo's rude words. His fists clench, and his eyes fix on Babilo in an expression of anger. Babilo grins and said:

"What's wrong? Don't be self-love, I'm only telling the truth. What's the matter? If you die, the duke will turn to blame me, right? He loves you so much, I know. You are also based on him, aren't you? Without him, you won't achieve anything. Unlike Kinsley, your real father... how to say... what a terrible father! I think you wished Kinsley was your father, not him. I almost forget what he looks like? Jode, right?"

"What? Who gave you the right to insult him? I've had enough of that."

Jovie raises his voice, intent to rush in to teach Babilo a lesson.

Suddenly Hochi's voice behind Babilo rings out:

"Hmm, you know, Babilo, though being a person of high authority, but what you said is so terrible, words from a teacher are better than yours. I know, You are also the loyal dog of the king, without his trust you have nothing in your hand. When it comes to dogs, a dog that barks often doesn't bite anyone. I see this quote seems to suit you."

Jovie stops talking, he feels a little satisfied while Babilo is annoyed when Hochi is trying to insult him, and roars:

"Bastard. How dare you...? Rookies, quickly bring him back to the king, don't let him stay here, and don't move his lips anymore. About to die but still keep his mouth on, what an asshole old man! Let's see when you meet the king, whether you still be arrogant like that?"

The soldiers lead Hochi away but he brushes them off, saying:

"I can go by myself. I have my hands tied, not my feet. Now by being tied up like this, I can't run anywhere. Let let me like this back to see Algorik."

"Okay. We don't worry about you running away, anyway. The king is waiting for you at that High Court. Let's go." - The other commander accompanies the group of soldiers behind to escort Hochi away.

Jovie looks at Hochi being led away with curious eyes, and says to himself:

"Is he… not afraid of Babilo? And he seems to know something about Babilo. He's a criminal, but at least I have a little more sympathy than Babilo."

Thinking about Babilo, Jovie looks at him turning to take a look at him, looks overbearing, and says:

"Why would I waste time talking to you? You are not qualified to talk to me, you lowly. I hope I won't have to see your face in the future. If you don't know your fate, I'm not sure how long you can stay in the palace before being forced to leave there by the king. I think you have to watch out for your action."

Then he turns his face away and walks away with an arrogant, overbearing look. When Jovie has not stopped being annoyed with Babilo, he discovers that her slingshot is gone. He looks around the ground but can't find it. The commander, before leaving, grabs Gerl's shoulder and says:

"Please escort Jovie to the palace. The princess is waiting for him, he needs someone to escort him back quickly. But as I know, he doesn't like going with a stranger, so it makes sense for you to go. Remember to ensure the teacher's safety, don't be too busy gossiping and neglecting."- The commander says and gives his left hand to Gerl.

"Got it. Won't fail your order, Sir!"

Gerl replies then gives his right fist close to his commander's right hand, and his commander holds his fist tightly, and says: "Go!". Gerl happily walks up to Jovie, and says in a humorous voice:

"Let's go, Mr. Thorium. I will drive you back to the palace quickly."

"Nah... Don't call me by this surname, please!"- says Jovie.

On the way to Voidenorten Palace, Jovie is still annoyed and bangs his hands repeatedly on Gerl's ScoutJet. Gerl, who was driving, is also distracted by Jovie's car banging and asked:

"Hey, Jo. What's up, man? Still, annoyed at Babilo's words? Don't bother him, nobody in the army likes him."

"But I still feel mad. Either way, he always begrudges me. I've tried to hold back, and yeah, he kept insulting both my family and Duke Kinsley. I suffered a lot, it's time to struggle"

"But I'm a little bit curious, what is the relationship between you and the duke? I heard that you are favored by him a lot. Could it be that you are his distant relative?"


"Or do you hold some of his dark secrets? Very sure of myself that you've known about him a lot since entering the office."

"Are you crazy? No goddamn way. I'm not that kind of person."

"Don't be mad, my buddy, I'm just kidding. Hey, are you free tonight? Tonight we come again…"

Before Gerl finished speaking, Jovie received a call from Duke Kinsley. Jovie was a little hesitant whether pick up the phone. Gerl asks:

"Who's calling?"

"Lord Kinsley."

"Oh, my intuition was right. 'As soon as 'Gori' was mentioned, 'Gori' came over'. I think you should pick up the phone."

After thinking about advice taken from his best friend for just one minute, Jovie decides to pick up the phone. As soon as he puts it to his ear, a shrill voice rings out:

"Hey, Jovie. Where are you now?"

"Oh, a girl's... voice?" - Even a guy who doesn't know Kinsley like Gerl could easily realize that it wasn't his voice. The voice belongs to a girl Jovie is no stranger to—none other than Princess lvina Ahana Sinclain. Jovie replies softly:

"Why is my princess calling on Mr. Kinsley's phone?"

"How dare you ask me like that? I've been waiting for you for hours. I don't have your number, so I have no choice but to borrow the duke's phone to call you."

The confusion and anxiety clearly show on Jovie's face. He guessed that it was over at the time he was fighting with men in black. Never had he thought about the prospect of losing his job. He tries to defend himself:

"Your Majesty, I have committed a sin worthy of death. But please listen to me explain the reason first, then you can make the decision later."

"The reason why are you late? Okay, say it. I'll see if that's enough to convince me to absolve you?"

Gerl tries to eavesdrop on the conversation and then laughs so hard, mocks Jovie: 'If you can't think of a good reason this time, it considers that your career's over. Do you need me to speak for you?"

"Shut up!" Jovie yells at Gerl.

"What did you say?" - Ahana feels angry because she thinks Jovie is talking to her.

"Ah, ah, I'm not saying you, it's just..."-Jovie replies hesitantly because he is busy thinking- "Ah, today on the way, I saw a blue Aru* with some wounds in its body, stuck in a tree, so I stopped walking to save it."

"Oh, really? How pitiful it is. What happened to it?

"According to some walkers, it was beaten up by a group of strangers dressed in black and thrown into a tree. It fought them on his own to protect the others."

Suddenly Jovie hears Ahana's sob and asks:

"Princess, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just touched by the story you told. To protect its own kind, this Aru stayed there to fight against the bad guys and let itself get hurt."

"I think it just did what it thought is right."- Jovie replies.

"But what about after that? About that Aru, I mean."

"It has met its owner. But it is not praised, on the contrary, estranged by him, because he hates it."

(Aru: a kind of pet in Violeska)

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