132. is he blind?

The poor man's revenge 132

Maybe the flow of life gives everything a trial, but everything can adjust to life. There are only a few who will collapse in a disaster or whatever it is.

He then rushed to his luxury car. Now no one dares to talk about him, even though he knows, very well, those people he passed. They were all hypocrites who must have cursed at him before, and now they even acted as if they were people who really respected the man and had never done anything like that, talked about him, or even gone so far as to swear.

He didn't like that type of person. What if they were frank, saying that they hated the guy because he had abused a girl, even though it was never true? But he hopes that they can do actions like what Lidia did. Not because he wants to be bullied, but rather because he wants the honesty of all his friends, so of course he won't be angry if they get angry about something like that, instead he will support everyone.

Ahh, why else would he only rememb
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