" Do you realize that with a raise of my pinky, I can order your destruction?" Alejandro mocks. " Waste you the same way you wasted my son?"

Duke's hands don't drop from the air, dropping them will mean death for him.

" I didn't kill your son. " Duke calmly mutters.

" Liar!" Alejandro screams. " Bloody lies and you are going to pay for it!"

" Think about it!" Duke raises his voice and stands to his feet. " You think that if I am guilty I will come here to explain everything to you?"

Alejandro watches him.

" I risked everything, came here to tell you that your son was at the wrong place at the wrong time. " Duke looks him straight in the eyes. " Why should I and the people I love pay for that?"

" Are you saying I should be accountable for that?" Alejandro grunts.

" Yes. " Duke nods. " Maybe you shouldn't have let your young son go all by himself to do something so dangerous."

Duke's eyes move around the room and find Ansel.

" Maybe you shouldn't have hired little boys to play wit
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