Take her off

*** *** ***

Ryan stood in front of Alina bed, next to her was Eleanor. All he wanted to do was confront her, Eleanor mist have found out Alina is the fifth and highly guarded member. Yet, that doesn't explain why they met with an accident and have been on life support for the past two weeks.

A day after Alina was hospitalized, Zara had come in , yelling at him. Also saying Alina was on the verge of divorcing and now his bad luck had finally rubbed off on her. Since then, neither Zara not Hayley have visited.

Surprisingly though, her parents didn't come to visit in the hospital, pretending they don't know she had a accident.

Ryan turned to Tony, not saying anything.

Tony held Eleanor's hand, praying silently. Tony had insisted on footing both bills and that they are both in the same ward.

Now, everything has to be on hold. He made a mistake with Alex. He had been to rash with everything and now, it's coming back to back fire at him.

Alina stirred, for a second, Ryan had his hopes up,
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