Chapter 38: Dead Inside Pt 2

It is almost night when Gabriel manages to go home, he immediately went toward the children not minding the bullet shots in the house, no neighbors are watching him or know what tragedy happens to the children, they are in a secluded place which is almost not reachable for others if not for the road.

It didn’t take long for Gabriel to witness what happened, just the counter there is blood and a body of an old man lying on the floor filled with blood shots in his body, lifelessly staring at the ceiling, mouth open with blood spilling in.


He gripped his grips controlling the anger and despair he is feeling, his head was upstairs with heavy footsteps, he want to walk away and stop looking back, but no, he wanted to see it. Each of them.

The hope of them still alive is nothing but a painful misery, he saw the door where the children are, it is already wrecked and there is blood on it, Gabriel didn’t notice a drop of tears started to appear in his eyes, slowly and heavy walking f
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