Chapter 28 - The Insignia Manor
Clara drove at a rather high speed.

It was not long before they passed the entrance to the highway that connected the city to the suburbs. Clara took the right way. If she wanted to go to Tectona University, she should have taken the left.

"Miss Insignia, shall we go straight to your house?"

"Yes, of course!"


"But what? Why?"

Clara looked at Daniel in the mirror. There was a wrinkle in her forehead and a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Is it polite to go to someone's house with clothes like this?"

Daniel said pointing at the clothes he was wearing. He looked like he needed to get cleaned up. His plain white shirt looked very filthy and the light blue jeans he wore had rips at various spots. It was the result of his fight with Fernando earlier.

Clara smiled a little when she saw Daniel's expression.

"Stay cool! I have something for you."

A few moments later, the car they were driving approached a gate that looked luxurious.

When Clara's car was right in front of the
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