Chapter 33: GrandFather.

I was wondering why Mr Dominic would want me to do a DNA test.

"Bruce,do you remember I told you that you look a lot like me when I was younger, I want to make sure that I was right, I have a son named Chase." He told me.

"I don't think I am the one you are looking for sir." I told him after I recomposed myself.

"Even if the tests come out negative, I will pay you an extra two thousand dollars for doing the test." He said and my mouth widened and made an oh.

Why does hearing that I would get money excite me?

I didn't need to be told what my answer would be.

"Yes sir ,I will do the test." I replied with a smile.

Even if it is negative, I will gain from it.

What was there to lose?

"Then eat up, let's go." He told me.

"Go where?" I asked.

"To do the test, I need to know soon, so my mind can rest easy tonight." He told me.

"Yes sir." I replied.

We ate in silence after his words and I was wondering what could happen, if I was actually his grandson.

I tried to shake that thought off my
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