Chapter 17 : Don't Wake It Up

In the middle of this hot day, should he thank the cop who just threw water on him?

"Sir... isn't it too much?"

"What do you mean too much? This child has been proven guilty. We just need to make him admit it."

The middle-aged man with his distended stomach stood up while giving a low look. A cruel grin that should not be visible on the faces of law enforcement officers, was clearly etched on his face.

The other men on the man's side couldn't do much other than silently watch. Meanwhile in front of them, a young man in school uniform sat cross-legged on the floor.

Water dripped from every wet part of his body.

"How long are you going to be quiet? You better be honest now."

After saying that, the man – who seemed to be in the highest position in this place, sat down on the available chair. His eyes were loyal to look, right at Deandra who still chose to remain silent.

“Haahh… you know the situation don't you? The more stubborn you are, the longer you will be here." Say h
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