The Strongest Weakest Contestant

With Kurumi winning the following match, the audience cheered as Kurumi made her dramatic exit, lifting her fist as she was teleported out of the arena.

Everyone imitated her as her name was cheered on, becoming something of an idol for the masses.

For the audience to finally witness the use of multiple elements, it was like watching a hero be born from the fights.

Perhaps, she wasn't one, but for the masses that saw her determination to win even against an invisible obstacle, she overcame it.

“Whoa! The matches are getting interesting! I can't believe that the past ones are being overshadowed by the following ones! Are we going to finally get a winner from another organization?! Will the Red Trackers make their way into the finals?!”

Those questions were said by the host to hype the audience and answered by mixed people as they were divided. Some were in disbelief, and some believed that they could win.

This was but entertainment for them after all, but for those fighting, it was a
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