Supreme Ancestor

28 ratings

Supreme Ancestor

By: Kingfisher OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 57 views: 2.0K

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Due to an unfortunate event when he was an infant, Yun Feng was abandoned outside the house of the Yun family. After he was found by the old patriarch, he became an outer member of the Yun clan. However, he had no access to the family's martial styles and cultivation techniques. After the death of the old patriarch, things took a dire turn for Yun Feng who was now treated as trash by the remaining members of the Yun family, until a fortunate encounter changed his destiny.

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  • Dark Crafter


    Great book ... Need more chapters

    2024-01-21 22:32:05
  • Saadia Gure


    I wonder what happened to the author? Taking him too long to update new chapters.

    2023-12-31 11:43:26
  • wuxiasaint


    Good story but need more updates

    2023-11-15 03:31:35
  • Qwerty Pouyter


    Need more updates

    2023-11-15 03:23:43
  • Web Serials


    couldn't stop laughing. fun read

    2023-11-14 02:51:43
  • Morris Steinmetz


    well done author. keep up the good work

    2023-11-14 02:48:31
  • Adeshina Haastrup


    not bad at all

    2023-11-14 02:41:58
  • thesoulcarver


    I like it so far. that little guy is fun to read

    2023-11-14 02:31:06
  • smugsovran


    so much fun

    2023-11-14 02:27:20
  • changyumachine


    Recommending it!

    2023-11-14 02:24:50
  • agathastoner1


    keep it up

    2023-11-14 02:21:17
  • adeshinahaastruo


    a page turner

    2023-11-13 11:35:34
  • authorarchsage


    keep it up author. you're doing great

    2023-11-13 11:25:55
  • kameleon_skimp


    I love reading it

    2023-11-09 14:55:17
  • allansmiths



    2023-11-09 14:52:10
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Latest Chapter
57 chapters
Passage Of Time
The bubbly city of Tianfeng was once a remote village, but since it was the closest settlement to the Dark Forest, it attracted many treasure hunters. So Tianfeng village gradually became a big, fortified city. The Yun family, as the ruler of this city, naturally became a wealthy and powerful family as treasure hunters paid their dues. The Yun Family Courtyard. "You wretched servant, what are you doing? Don't you know you can't get close to the training ground at this time?" A roar came, and then a strong figure walked out of the training ground, dragging a thin figure, cursing as he walked. "If the Yun family hadn't taken you in back then, you would have been snatched away and killed by wild beasts. Why are you still trying to steal the Yun family's special techniques now?" After saying this, he slapped the thin figure hard on the face with a palm like a cattails fan leaf. Paaah! A thunderous sound echoed throughout the courtyard, and a trace of blood trickled down the corner
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The Jade Pond
The cave looked inconspicuous and could only allow one person to pass sideways. Moreover, the cave was surrounded by overgrown weeds and was in a dilapidated state. Yun Feng would not have discovered this place if it weren't for Furball leading the way.Looking back at Yun Feng, Furball twisted its plump body and got in. Seeing this, Yun Feng walked in cautiously without much hesitation.The scene inside was obviously very different from the one outside the cave. Inside the cave was an extremely empty space, and there was a slight cold wind coming from deep inside the cave, which made him feel a little nervous.Furball walked straight deeper into the cave without any pause. Yun Feng was afraid that Furball would be in danger and followed closely. In fact, Yun Feng was a little redundant, because since Furball dared to come to this place without hesitation, he should have known that the little fox knew something about this place.After all, the senses of monsters were many times strong
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The Inheritance
The severe pain sinking into his soul washes Yun Feng's fragile soul over and over again. He felt that he was like a small boat bumping in the huge waves, and would be crushed to pieces by the huge waves at any time."Now is the critical moment. Remember, no matter what I do next, don't try to resist, because not only will I disappear by then, but you will probably become paralyzed as well." Just when Yun Feng was about to scream at the pain, a sharp voice sounded like thunder in his hears, blowing his idea to pieces."What on earth is going on?" Yun Feng wanted to ask, but the severe pain that penetrated his soul made him lose consciousness quickly.The violent energy storm seemed to be raging in Yun Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, but if someone was here, they would definitely discovered that every place where the violent energy swept appeared to be much more solid. The golden round particles slowly shone in this space."I can only help you so much. I hope you'll live up to my expect
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Young Master Yun Ting
In the bustling Tianfeng City, people were constantly coming and going on the streets. There were stalls lined up on the streets, and the sound of buying and selling was endless.Every day, a large number of people bring a huge amount of wealth to the city. Trade charges alone was the biggest source of wealth in Tianfeng City. There was no doubt that as the controller of this city, the Yun family was the biggest winner. No one knew how much wealth the Yun family actually have? But some people said that when enemy marauders invaded, the Yun family funded an army to help the empire resist them.The cost of an army was beyond what most people could imagine, so the Yun family had become one of the most mysterious families in the entire empire. Naturally, the Yun family's palace would be located in Tianfeng City.The Yun Family Courtyard was located in the center of Tianfeng City. The ferocious beast at the door showed the Yun Family’s supreme authority in Tianfeng City. In Tianfeng City,
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Changes In The Body
"Yun Feng's fist and Yun Ting's Thunder Palm collided fiercely in the blink of an eye.As you can imagine, Yun Feng, who had no fighting spirit, was knocked out by Yun Ting's thunderous palm. Everyone present seemed to hear the sound of broken bones. It could be seen that Yun Ting's palm had seriously injured Yun Feng Feng.Yun Feng's body seemed to be caught in a strong wind. The energy contained in the mighty palm strike sent him flying backwards, falling heavily to the ground several feet away, stirring up traces of dust. A heartbreaking pain hit Yun Feng's body. Cold sweat broke out on his face, but he didn't scream out. He didn't dare because it would only make the young master who was a little twisted in his mind even more excited.Yun Feng's painful look seemed to be the most beautiful picture in the world at this moment in Yun Ting's eyes, and the sound of broken bones seemed to be the best sound he could hear at this moment in life.
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Preparation For The Dark Forest
People were coming and going in the noisy streets as the bustling Tianfeng City ushered in a new day. Countless people came from all directions to trade items, hoping to exchange for some money or something they need.This was the case in Tianfeng City. If one had something that others urgently needed, one could not only exchange it for money, but could also traded it for things martial manuals, weapons and others."Senior, I want this meat." In front of a stall, Yun Feng placed a silver coin on the table in front of the seller. Although Yun Feng's status in the Yun family was the lowest, the Yun family still attached great importance to the treatment of their servants. Even Yun Feng received a silver coin from the family every month. In the past few years, he also had some savings."Okay." The silver coin boss said loudly, wrapped the meat that Yun Feng pointed to and handed it to him with a smile. He knew that the meat Yun Feng bought did not worth a whole silver coin, so this time
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The early morning sunshine made people feel particularly lively and comfortable. Even though the clouds and wind had been sleeping all night, the warm sunshine made his limbs full of energy."I'm going to leave today, and the dark forest will be the first place for me to become stronger." Looking at the familiar scene in the small courtyard, Yun Feng's tears unknowingly streaked down his cheeks. .The palms of his hands carefully brushed against every flower and grass in the small courtyard. His heart was filled with emotions. They had silently accompanied him through his difficult life in the past few years. They had witnessed Yun Feng's happiness. and humiliation. They stayed with him through the severe cold and heat.Furball seemed particularly quiet at this moment, as if it could feel Yun Feng's current mood on his sad face.The flowers and plants in the small courtyard seemed to know that Yun Feng was about to leave at this moment, and they made a rustling sound under the caress
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Entering The Dark Forest
The towering ancient branches covered the sky with their lush leaves, occupying the entire place. Occasionally, a little sunlight leaked through the gaps between the trees, making the entire forest mysterious."Why is it a bit cold here?" Yun Feng asked no one in particular as he tightened his clothes around him.Years of absence from the sun had made this land extremely damp. There were large and small puddles everywhere.When they first entered the dark forest, Yun Feng and Ba Sin were separated. The reason was simple. The place where Ba Sin was going was impossible for Yun Feng to be. He would have no chance of survival with his current strength."It looks like I need to find a place to settle down quickly." Yun Feng murmured to himself as he looked up at the branches that were covering the sky.The only thing Yun Feng has to do now was to find a safe place as soon as possible so that he could become familiar with the vague flow of spiritual energy in his body.A figure in a blue r
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The Jade Sky Sect
"Hey, what is this? It's so cute." A clear and gentle voice sounded behind the thick vines, and then a beautiful silhouette appeared in the deserted area, bringing a lot of life to this desolate area.The figure was a beautiful girl dressed in light green clothes, with a slim waist. She had an oval face, a beautiful nose and a cherry mouth, and her whole body revealed a sense of agility."I want this little guy." The beautiful girl giggled and pointed at the motionless Furball, her eyes filled with excitement. Furball, on the other hand, really turned a deaf ear to what was said behind it, but stared directly at Yun Feng, hoping that he would wake up soon."Hey, what's going on here?" Looking in the direction of the Furball, the smart girl let out a light shout. "Hey, we have a situation here. There's a bloody person here. I don’t know if he's still alive"After hearing this, several figures in black clothes suddenly appeared behind the girl. They walked silently towards Yun Feng like
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The Jade Sky Token
The Jade Sky Sect was at the pinnacle of existence in the Tianyun Empire. The Jade Sky Sect was more intimidating than the royal family in the Tianyun Empire. According to the rumors, even the current emperor of Tianyun Empire was an inner disciple of Jade Sky Sect."Are you really from the Jade Sky Sect?" Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Yun Feng asked after regaining his senses.Yun Feng was cautious. Some dubious people had been pretending to be members of the Jade Sky Sect, robbing people off their money. Some parents had to sell everything they had to get the money. As long as children reached the age when they could speak in the Tianyun Empire, parents would instill in them the importance of joining the Jade Sky Sect. Therefore, at every selection site of Jade Sky Sect, the scene was always full of activities. Therefore, Yun Feng was right to be suspicious of the people in front of him who claimed to be Jade Sky Sect."Nonsense, does anyone dare to pretend to be a member
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