Chapter 159

Pamela walked the entry street by the woods, she sighs as her eyes catch the bus stop not far from where she stood, her hand to her knees and her forehead dripping with sweat. She doesn't know whether to say summer in Vancouver was far better but here her whole body is soaked up.

"Thank heaven there is a bus stop right there." She dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out the hole from her pocket. Her head shook, she had no single glimpse of what Joshua's intentions were when he asked her to deliver the letter and what was inside the letter might bother her to try to figure out more but she dug it deeper inside her coat.

"I shouldn't look beside it's not intended for me." She shakes her head and drops her hand from her pocket. Her superficial attempt to hold everything under her baby was a kind that feels so hefty.

She finds herself fitted on the bench, beside her stood men who were dressed heftily, their voices the dark chrome of their dressing. Pamela blinked up wit
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