The Chase

Chapter 77

~~ The Chase ~~

Huessen, Dhemistaria…

It was two quarter past seven in the evening, the two suns formed semicircles behind the horizon with a continuous spew of their warm orange glow, filling the town with serenity and warmth.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

A pair of footprints were left imprinted on the sandy ground as a figure dashed across the just-ploughed farm field. The farm was only a square of thirty by thirty meters, and by the speed at which the figure moved, it was only a short matter of seconds for them to scale through.

Their long black leather coat fluttered noisily and relentlessly behind them as they ran across the interlocked street, towards an alley. A large hood was draped over the figure’s head, obscuring one from seeing their face to make out their gender. But aside the normal shadow casted over their face from the hood, their face was so dark, it was as though they had no head at all.

In a swift crisscross of legs, the figure tilted to the right, but
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