The Eagle's Eyes

Paces of tiptoeing aches...

Then he was so drowsy then briefly fell the middle of such horrible pain he woke up..but unable to get up.Thousands of hot needles went through each of his cells ,turning ,turning to tear all of his tissues skin and bones ..pain ambushed him all over from head to toes...awkwardly he laid ..alone...before the following people in the neighborhood broke his door as they heard a long horrible scream..They found him lying bloodless ,pale and bluish mouth in the position of trying to reach out the painkiller at the third drawer...

Page of life was almost finished..was it ?

He lean in exhaustion and waited for the next ..

Hoped that his unseen spirit came to protect him the way it used to be when she was alive..a human who will always love him even if he gave the worst ,always defended him no matter what wrong deed he done ..but surely it was only an empty expectation now. .he now was alone in a strange place he never knew, felt like h
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