reincarnation of a demon god
reincarnation of a demon god
Author: Arkimara
1. the beginning of all stories

* Prologue*

Arth wrote a book in his room which was so dark and silent. In his room there was only light from his study lamp. He wrote With Feeling and regret for something he had made, even a tear dripped onto his writing instrument.

(Here's what's in the story created by Arth)

The World Of Darkness Light consists of 3 nations. which consists of the human race, The Devil race, and the nation of gods or goddesses.

The current Demon Lord had enormous power, all humans and gods became agitated about it, for fear of disturbing the peace in the world.

The gods invite humans to jointly destroy the Demon King, so that the world exists again in peace.

Man agreed with the gods and began his cooperation between man and God.

It is often called the "collaboration between humans and gods".

Now humans and gods work together to eradicate Demons with the Magic released by 96 gods, and sacrifice 100 human lives to be used as magic energy.

The Demon Lord will die without killing him directly.

although the ritual has been performed, but the magic will take about 3 days to kill the Demon King.

The Demon Lord knew that, but instead he laughed as he spoke to his dragon," you wait for me to come back, sleep while waiting for me don't you dare wake up or disturb the humans" the Dragon nodded and went to his place in the world's largest volcano Darkness light.

dragon named Ragan, The biggest and strongest Dragon in the world of Darkness Light, and The Dragon is the animal most feared by humans, gods, and demons.

The Demon King was able to defeat the Dragon easily, and the Dragon bowed and obeyed him.

The Demon King knew that he was going to die, so he ordered all the Demons to choose a successor King so that the demon Kingdom could survive the attack of the gods.

The Demon King went from his kingdom to the valley close to the human kingdom. The Demon Lord intended to store all his power in a cave in that valley.

"boom" The Demon Lord unleashed all his magic and power, his aura flew everywhere, part of it formed a continuously burning red sword and part of it flew everywhere.

And if one were to obtain such an aura, that person would obtain the magic power of the Demon Lord.

The magic of the gods now began to take effect on the Demon King. The Demon Lord gradually turned to ashes as a result of the magic emitted by the gods, from his hands to the ends of his body.

now in that place there was only a red sword stuck in a golden stone. Man began to recognize the demonic aura he had gained. Humans began to know and study the sciences of magic and there were even schools of magic from humans.

From time to time. It was known to the gods, and the gods did not accept it. In addition, the gods threatened humans not to use magic for fear of ruining the peace of The Darkness Light World. But man rejects it, because magic is not only for war or other negative effects. but it can also be used to defend the Kingdom, Security and facilitate work.

hearing the rejection of humans, the God became angry and summoned other gods to colonize humans. In the end the world war between humans and gods occurred for 4 years and was won by the gods. now the world of Darkness Light is ruled by the gods, but the gods allow humans to be able to create peace, Kingdoms, magic, even magic schools.

However, the results of human efforts such as agriculture and food income made by humans were partially given to the gods.


Many years have passed. now humans have fused with what is called Magic. Man will not escape from the name of magic. magic has become a major science for humans because it can be used for transportation, education, defense, military, among others.

Year after year, the last place of the Demon King was discovered by humans, but humans did not know that it was the last place of the Demon King, instead humans used the cave to mine because there were so many mine treasures such as gold, silver, and diamonds.

Over time, humans found the largest gold in the cave, but there was something more striking than gold, namely the Red Sword shining on the gold was more striking. Humans try to pull out the sword, some people use magic, legendary mining tools, and others. but no one can pull it out.

in the end they made a pact with one-on-one match and anyone who can survive then he will get the gold and the sword.

they agreed to that. one by one they began to fight and one by one they began to fall, and in the end the strongest of them intervened and took the gold while fighting.

the battle for the treasure was undeniable. and in the end they died from this ridiculous thing, and blood splattered everywhere.

But one of the blood hit the flaming red sword. the sword suddenly grew, glowing. everyone who was there suddenly stalled and looked at the reaction of the sword.

then the sword released its huge magic aura into all the rooms of the cave, but the humans watched the incident out of curiosity.

then not long after the" boom " the place exploded, because the place was not resistant to the magic that had been emitted by the sword.

Suddenly an earthquake occurred. everyone in the cave died from being burned by magic, smoke flying in the cave up to the sky.

Not long after the smoke cleared and the cave hole enlarged due to the explosion that occurred. People lie down and die there. not long after a strange incident occurred, the sword turned into a red-eyed naked man.

The man stood in a daze and the man was wearing clothes from a corpse lying nearby. he was confused as to why he was in such a place, and he also didn't remember anything that happened there, in the end he looked for a way to get out of that cave.

a beautiful night with the light of the moon that continues to highlight the man. all the smoke there began to dissipate and he continued walking following the full moon.

then he heard a voice from a distance, out of curiosity he approached the voice and the sound became clearer.

"graaaa" he heard explosions and roars of raging demons. Instantly the man was surprised,

then he approached her and he saw a woman who was fighting a huge Goblin rampaging there.

The midnight that shone from the full moon, its moon emitted all its light to the surface and the sound of explosions was heard around the place.

the man was still looking at the battle from a distance and he saw a female figure defending herself from a large Goblin attack.

The fight between the two of them grew fiercer until the woman began to be overwhelmed and began to weaken, and in the end the woman took out her luminous magic arrow.

The woman pulled the bowstring, then suddenly the glowing arrow appeared a magic arrow pointing at the Big Goblin.

the bowstring is removed. and the arrow hit the Goblin's body and an explosion occurred. "BOMMMM" the girl also lay down because her magic energy had been exhausted. But he didn't know that the big goblin was dead or not.

The smoke from the explosion began to slowly dissipate, and a large black figure began to appear, it turned out that the Magic had no effect on the large Goblin, and finally the Goblin ran to attack the overwhelmed woman.

seeing the urgent events taking place there, the man ran to save the woman and intended to take her to escape.

But the man's position was discovered by the goblin, The goblin ran towards the man and attacked him with his huge fist. the man reflexively dodges and focuses on lifting the overwhelmed woman. but it was very difficult, and in the end the man continued to dodge the goblin's attacks, and finally the man had another goal to keep the goblin away from the woman.

The man lured her so that the goblin would follow him and stay away from the woman.

goblins began to get angry and their energy increased, even their speed began to increase. and in the end the goblin disappeared suddenly and appeared in front of the man, then attacked him with sharp scratches of his flagship.

the man was frightened but from that fright came a huge aura coming out of his body, his red eyes turning into a glowing yellow color.

The sounds of battle began to disappear, the man approached the woman.

the woman stood up and thanked him. the woman looked very pale, then the man asked her to rest. But he refuses, and he says he needs to find his friend. apparently he got separated from his friends during the magic school exam, then he introduced himself.

[her name is ERINA from a noble who has long straight and blond hair.]

Erina asked the man's name. But he was confused because he had no name, and in the end he made his own name, with the name Arthous with the nickname Arth.


["I will tell you about my life with conflicts that are difficult to understand"]


That person is me, ARTH is my name. that's where I made new friends, and that's where my adventure began.

It was early in the morning, the sky began to redden from the light of the Rising Sun, the birds chirped melodiously. I followed a girl I had just met and helped her find her missing friend.

Erina is the sweetest girl I've met so far, because I only lived last night, so I haven't met anyone but her "hehe".

We went outside the forest and headed to a safer place than the forest.

Erina asked about my hometown and age, then I replied "I have no place to live and I was about 4 hours ago because I was born last night" hearing that Erina instead chuckled with a smile.

his smile was so sweet especially accompanied by birds singing and the rising of the sun, like seeing an angel, but not the angel of death.

We went to the countryside around us, and asked about her friend Erina to people who were around there, but they didn't know. Dan

At the end we continued our journey towards the West, we saw in the distance from the top of the hill. we saw 2 people walking, then Erina said it was her friend.

we went straight to her friend Erina and waved our hands, they answered with a wave of their hands.

In the end Erina met her friend. I met a man named Hiuga, a spear wielder, and a girl named Ginny, a stick wielder but her stick was rather short.

I got acquainted with them and Erina told me what happened last night. then the three of them asked me, " Where Are you going now?"then I was confused as to where I was going.

Seeing that, they invited me to go to the kingdom of light with them, I agreed with the suggestion.

We immediately we left the place and headed to where they were going, we continued walking and we met a seller who used a horse carriage.

we asked him to hitchhike, the seller did not object to it and allowed us to ride, there when in the middle of the road I had time to think for a moment "Who Am I? where's my house? and who gave birth to me? I do not know what happened".

The atmosphere changed for the better, the sun's Rays began to shine on our faces, we were hot, but instantly we immediately saw a kingdom surrounded by a magical patron. the kingdom was so luxurious and guarded so tightly that I was afraid that something was wrong with me.

but some of the guards of them don't care about us because they know Erina. Erina was a noble from that Kingdom so Erina was highly respected there, but I wonder why a noble like Erina was left in danger? but that question was just buried in my heart, and we finally entered that incredible Kingdom.

then the man dodged his claws and returned the favor with the man's punch.

His" BOOMMM " blows through the wind, destroying the Goblin and the trees behind him.

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