reincarnation of a demon god

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reincarnation of a demon god

By: Arkimara OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 90 views: 2.8K

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Arth is a writer who continues to write about the history of the world, and it deals with the story of himself. He continues to tell about it in books that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. From time to time, archaeologists are surprised to see one of the Arth books because it is very precise with the history and findings of archaeologists. Eventually, archaeologists became interested in him, and became interested in the stories that Arth told. But Arth's goal is to find his past lover (Erina). And it turns out that Arth is the last of the people in the world of Darkness Light (the name before the Earth). Arth is the only one still alive because he is the real killer. Arth used to be a God nicknamed The God of magic, but he disobeyed his own people until he turned into a demon. Over time something happens that makes Arth turn human and begin his new life experience until the moment of murder arrives. ************** many prophecies prevented the destruction of the world. however, if fate says so then no one can get out of it. however, the life can be repeated again by searching for its history. ************* "the world will be destroyed by someone who disobeys his own people because he has a purpose". that is the dialogue created by a diviner God (Zabtaruk). and the people who disobeyed his own people were Silvanus, Siestina and Arth. the Gods continued to try to prevent the three oracles with their tactics resulting in a great deal of conflict. however, it was from that conflict that the world of Darkness Light disintegrated.

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  • Aku Froo


    author, somehow siestina looks like erai

    2022-12-09 14:53:45
  • Ryy Melandri


    hi authors. after I read yesterday I saw there was a problem with your novel, maybe you made a mistake in translating

    2022-12-09 14:48:45


    hi, author Arkimara long time no see, sorry I used your account

    2022-11-27 01:24:21
  • Arkimara


    hi author does your novel have chapters that must be paid for? I hope it's free because I'm free but I want to know the continuation of this novel. thanks

    2022-11-27 01:09:48
  • Yadi Herdiana


    oh yeah, by the way, brother arkamara, how many times a week do you update the chapter in this app? the problem is that other apps don't upload it because I'm waiting for the continuation, I want the Indonesian version

    2022-11-25 10:47:34
  • Romlah


    hi author I want to ask, is your novel only in this app, if there is please answer I want to see it

    2022-11-24 22:06:08
  • KingT3


    ... reads like it was wrote by a child.

    2023-05-06 14:44:27
Latest Chapter
90 chapters
1. the beginning of all stories
* Prologue*Arth wrote a book in his room which was so dark and silent. In his room there was only light from his study lamp. He wrote With Feeling and regret for something he had made, even a tear dripped onto his writing instrument.(Here's what's in the story created by Arth)The World Of Darkness Light consists of 3 nations. which consists of the human race, The Devil race, and the nation of gods or goddesses.The current Demon Lord had enormous power, all humans and gods became agitated about it, for fear of disturbing the peace in the world. The gods invite humans to jointly destroy the Demon King, so that the world exists again in peace. Man agreed with the gods and began his cooperation between man and God.It is often called the "collaboration between humans and gods". Now humans and gods work together to eradicate Demons with the Magic released by 96 gods, and sacrifice 100 human lives to be used as magic energy. The Demon Lord will die without killing him directly. alth
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2 help the principal
In the afternoon, we got off the horse-drawn carriage and entered the Kingdom, we walked to the center of the kingdom. as we walked we talked about motherhood, home, and cooking at home. I feel offended by it, because I have nowhere to live and parents. there I thought I really had nowhere to go, in the end I decided to separate myself from them. We saw merchandise on the roadside and it was an opportunity for me to launch my act.finally they focused on looking at the merchandise they wanted to buy, and there I ran straight to the nearest alley. I looked back while running, I saw they were looking for something while in a state of panic, if I thought about it, it seemed like they were looking for me. but my desire has decided to separate myself from them, I have finally distanced myself from them.Day begins night. the crowd could still be heard in my ears, I kept walking while feeling hungry, my stomach kept asking for food, and my stomach felt like it was burning. I decided to sit
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3 become a student at a magic school
It's so late at night. the principal and I went into his house. [the principal's name is Mr. Agra]we entered and were greeted by a woman and it was her wife, Mr. Agra explained what happened to his wife, heard that his wife allowed me to stay with them. Mr. Agra took me to the downstairs room, and the room was very tidy. Then I asked "whose room is this?" she replied "It was my son's first room, now he disappeared on duty to the Forbidden Forest" hearing that, I felt guilty for asking, "now you take a bath there" she said. then I went to the bathroom, when in the bathroom there was a sound of splashing water in the bathroom and I thought it seemed like someone was taking a shower. then I went to the dining room because I was starving. then I saw Mr. Agra and his wife were telling me something, then I was invited to eat with them while chatting, I approached them, and saw a lot of food served at the dinner table. Then we had dinner together while talking about what happened befor
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4 arena match planned by Mr. Agra
That afternoon everyone cheered seeing Erina and Michiko fighting. Erina opened her spell and summoned her magic arrow, while Michiko took out her magic shield, both of them were noble children of famous people in this Kingdom. Michiko charged straight ahead, however Erina fired her Arrow and shot her, but Michiko had a shield in her left hand and Erina's shot was also unsuccessful. Michiko slashed her sword, but Erina jumped past Michiko's sword slash and Erina immediately looked for a suitable place for her. distance and accuracy are already advantageous for Erina. finally Erina let out her signature move "thousand arrows" instantly her arrows emitted light and thousands of arrows came out from her bow. Michiko was able to hold him but instantly her shield broke and she was knocked out of the arena. the place became chaotic again because Erina was the winner. After the game was over, I approached Erina who was resting. "wow, you are amazing" I said. "Heee, I'm used to winning
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5 practice in the meadow
That bright morning. I went to school while feeling my curiosity about the name of the DARK Flame. I decided to go to the school library to find out the name during the school break. When I got to class, I was greeted by 4 boys and 2 girls. then they approached me while introducing themselves, their names were Gobzo, Ranga, Ryogo, Ran, Ryuko, and Ayumi. they are Erina's friends, they are also descendants of nobles except Ranga, she only has family ties with the nobles. they asked me to eat with them later when I rest. "I'm sorry I can't, I have important things to do" I reject them. they understand it and maybe another time. then the first teacher came, the first lesson began.********* During the break I met with Hiuga. "Hey Arth, your nickname is Arth, if I'm not mistaken?"he said. then I said"Yes." I told Hiuga about my problem, he was confused and curious, then he said I should ask Erina, because he is a person who likes to read books in the library. then Hiuga told me to
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6 against seven giants and a magic sword
That hot afternoon we were curious about the sounds that existed before. "you hear that?"he said. I nodded my head. Then Erina came to me. "Are you curious about that voice?"Erina said as she held her chin in bewilderment. I didn't have time to talk. Erina immediately asked me to look at her so that her curiosity disappeared. "Come on," he said, holding my hand. We actually went into the woods looking for the origin of the voice. we passed a pine tree so large that our vision was blocked by trees. "brruuugg" the voice sounded very clear a bit in front of us. we approached the sound and hid in the bushes trying to peer and digest what was happening. In the bushes we saw two horned giants fighting for something. the giant was about 7 feet tall with enormous muscles. I looked at Erina she looked very confused. "why?"I told you. "As far as I know Giants live in groups and like to live in groups, but this time there are only two" he replied puzzled as he held his chin. I saw that
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7 met again with the person holding Mr. Agra hostage
I opened my eyes, my body felt very weak and hot because the blanket covered my whole body. I woke up my body that felt very hot and opened the blanket from my body. but there was a hand on my blanket so that the blanket felt heavy to lift, and it turned out to be Erina's hand. it seemed like he was constantly watching me while I was unconscious, but it seemed like he was sleeping next to me. "You are awake" said the owner of the House who had just come from the next room suddenly. I saw the girl coming. "where is this?"I answered with great curiosity. "You fainted during a forest fire, and your friend said someone used fire magic and beat you unconscious, then he asked me to take you to my house. you probably fainted about four hours ago. now it's night, you better sleep" the woman answered me as she left. now I remember what happened. maybe Erina lied to keep me out of trouble. I tried to stand up even though I felt weak. "It seems that Erina is still tired" I said while loo
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8 in the same group as Ginny during the adequacy test
"DUAARR" I was startled by the sound of the pan until I woke up. "Hihi, wake up now it's time to get ready for today" Erina said as she hit the pot. I was so surprised. And I woke up straight out of my sleep. I almost forgot that today is merit day for the students in my school, maybe I'm ready for the exam today. what makes me curious is Who Am I going to be grouped with? Will it be easy for me to interact with my group? If it's a matter of winning or losing, I don't care. I'm still a beginner anyway. I prepared myself, as well as Erina, she seemed to be preparing herself."Krekk" the sound of the door opening."are you ready for the exam later?"Erina said as she opened my bedroom door. "of course," I replied.We said goodbye to Erina's mother and went to school. When on the road, there are so many people who celebrate this test with great fanfare. "Hey, during the exam you and I will be enemies! we will be in different groups, as far as I know ordinary people and Nobles will be
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9 magic ball fight
That night Ginny and I went to Goro and Lyfa's place. "Goro, Lyfa, there is danger behind us, prepare your defense!"Ginny said firmly. Then we headed for the sound to the forest. Goro and I were at the very front and ready to attack, while Ginny and Lyfa were behind us.Goro and I hid behind the bushes and it turned out that group One and Group Three of the Noble Group were fighting over the Magic Ball and fighting. Camus and Takimuya fought so fiercely. Takimuya attacks Camus with his sword but can be blocked by Camus and attacks him again with his iron fist. "iron blow!" said Camus as he struck Takimuya's sword and"prengg" Takimuya's sword is broken. Then Camus delivers his second punch and hits Takimuya on the head so that it knocks him unconscious. Camus was so exhausted from fighting Takimuya, it could be seen from the look on his face and the sweat that flowed.Goro and I are still hiding in the bushes. Suddenly Camus ran and we followed him without his knowledge. It turned
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10 remembered
Beautiful night, with Moonlight and stars. We repaired our broken tent and burned the fish that Goro and I had caught from the river. "Sip, the tent is ready" Suddenly I was called by Ginny into the tent, then I approached her and sat down beside her. "I see you have a wound from the inside, here I will treat it" said Ginny suddenly. Ginny is a student of medical magic so she knows about someone who has a wound even though the wound is inside. Ginny took off my shirt and healed my chest. "It might hurt but wait!"Ginny said as she healed me. As soon as he started treating me with his magic, the pain from the inside came back until I screamed in pain. "Shut up, weak boy," he laughed mockingly. It wasn't long before all the pain was gone along with the disappearance of Ginny's magic in my body.I sat next to Ginny and Goro walked in suddenly. "The fish is cooked, come on, my stomach is hungry" he said as he went out again. Ginny and I went out and ate what was served."I felt ha
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