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The Ex-Husband's Revenge Novel & Hot Chapters: A Journey of Leon's Resilience in Life's Challenges and Newfound Mysterious Power

Creation time: May 24 2024Update time: May 29 2024101

Summary of The Ex-Husband's Revenge


"The Ex-Husband's Revenge" by Dragonsky is an urban novel that follows Leon Wolf, who faces betrayal from his wife and her family, leading to his expulsion from his own home after his wife becomes pregnant with another man's child. Feeling deeply wounded and rejected, Leon finds himself at a cemetery, where he encounters a life-threatening situation involving an attempt to assassinate a woman named Iris Young. In his attempt to save her, Leon is fatally injured, but he manages to drag one of the assailants into a river and eventually saves the woman Iris.


This is an ongoing novel with 2955 chapters that has already amassed almost 2 million reads and a rating of 9/10 on the GoodNovel platform.


Join Leon on his journey of redemption as he overcomes betrayal, finds love along the way, and rises into power in the novel "The Ex-Husband's Revenge."


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Plot of The Ex-Husband's Revenge


Leon Wolf is trapped in a demeaning and abusive marriage with Marilyn, who belongs to the wealthy Manson family. He is treated as an indentured servant by Marilyn and her family, enduring constant humiliation and labor without complaint. Despite his efforts to gain his wife's acceptance, Leon's world is shattered when Marilyn, pregnant with another man's child, demands a divorce and expels him from the household. He only received kindness from Marilyn's grandfather, Elder Manson. After being cast out, Leon seeks solace at a cemetery near Elder Manson's grave, expressing gratitude and sorrow for the old man's kindness and protection.


While leaving the cemetery, Leon witnesses Iris, whom he had a conflict with, being attacked and nearly murdered by two suspicious men. Overcome with a sense of duty and outrage, Leon intervenes and saves the woman, Iris, from being drowned in a river. However, following this heroic act, Leon's actions take a surprising turn as he reacts impulsively and punishes Iris for her earlier behavior towards him. He destroys her phone, throws away her car keys, and leaves her stranded in the desolate cemetery.


Overcome with guilt and remorse, Leon returns to find Iris, only to discover she is now in grave danger again, this time from the same assailants who had attacked her earlier. In a desperate bid to protect Iris, Leon confronts the attackers, ultimately sacrificing himself to save her. As Leon faces his imminent demise, he unexpectedly finds himself revived by a mysterious power contained within a pendant around his neck, which imbues him with incredible strength and resilience. Leon uses this newfound power to eliminate one of the attackers and thwart the danger posed to Iris.


Main Characters in The Ex-Husband's Revenge


Leon Wolf

Leon is Marilyn's hardworking husband who became homeless when his wife kicked him out of the Manson family. He suffered through a loveless marriage and mistreatment from his in-laws. Shortly after, he meets a woman named Iris and argues with her, making their encounter not a good one. However, he unexpectedly witnessed a murder attempt on her and risked his life to save her, even if he almost died. Despite his flaws and past mistakes, Leon harbors a genuine sense of justice and ultimately strives to redeem himself amid challenging circumstances.


Iris Young

Iris is the eldest daughter of the influential Young family and Leon saved from the hands of those trying to kill her. She is a beautiful young woman who captures Leon's attention despite their initial fallout. Just like Leon did, Iris, on the other hand, witnesses Leon's almost-death in the river, but she leaves him be, thinking he wouldn't survive.


Marilyn Manson-Wolf

Marilyn, Leon's estranged wife, is a woman of privilege and entitlement. She often uses her social status to demean and manipulate others, especially Leon, her own husband. Her callous treatment of Leon reflects her self-centered nature, highlighted by her swift pursuit of a new relationship with Brody.


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Hot Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge


Chapter 31


Donald's furious reaction to Leon's actions, particularly intervening to help Lily, sets off a chaotic and violent confrontation. Donald's aggressive demeanor, backed by his authority within the company and his history as a hired thug, intensifies the tension as he leads the charge against Leon with a rubber baton, followed by other security guards.


Chapter 1777


Julianna invites President Leon Wolf and Snow for dinner, extending her hospitality despite Leon's initial reluctance.


Theme of The Ex-Husband's Revenge


The central themes of the novel delve into power dynamics, revenge, and personal development as Leon undergoes a transformation. It explores the challenges within marriages and families, highlighting themes of betrayal, resentment, and emotional turmoil. Additionally, the narrative explores themes of personal growth and redemption, illustrating characters' journeys toward self-discovery and resilience in the face of adversity. These themes offer insights into human relationships and the pursuit of inner strength and fulfillment.


Author Introduction


The author of the novel "The Ex-Husband's Revenge" goes by the name Dragonsky. We have no further information about this author, as they have no web profile we can reference to. However, as seen in this novel, Dragonsky has a knack for immersing readers with their captivating storyline and characters.


Point of View 


This novel is written from the third-person point of view, focusing on the interpersonal relationships, emotions, and interactions of each character.


Writing Style


The author's writing style in this novel is descriptive, vividly portraying scenes and character feelings with heightened drama and emotional intensity to evoke strong reader engagement.


Final Thoughts


"The Ex-Husband's Revenge" is an intriguing and compelling story filled with dramatic events, suspenseful twists, and character-driven interactions. Leon's journey from his wife's betrayal, his encounter with Iris, up to his discovery of the mysterious latent power inside him are some of the developments you should watch out for.


If you're curious how Leon's transformation and revenge will unfold, don't hesitate to pick this novel up and immerse yourself in a story where power struggles, complex feelings and relationships, and other mysterious elements come all together in "The Ex-Husband's Revenge."

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