Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Colin sat on the floor in his room,

His back leaned on the wall.

He kept drinking can beer

Trying to get what the doctor said off his mind

He has not come out of his room the whole day which kind of made Emerald worried

She kept knocking on the door but he was not responding

Who would do all the chores if he keeps himself locked up in his room


Just who?

Emerald was bot definitely not ready to do any chores

"You aren't dead, right?" She asked, banging on the door

He put on his headphone and closed his eyes

He just need sometime to think

But Emerald won't allow him

"Are you really dead?!" Emerald yelled with her loud voice

Her voice was so loud he could still hear it despite the headphone

Few minutes later, he realized she was no more knocking

Maybe she finally decided to let him be

He removed the headphone and threw it on his bed then he buried his face in his knees

He started to cough again and while doing so, he could feel a serious pain in his chest

He felt like di
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