First system reward

In the afternoon in one of the hospital rooms, Robert met with his lawyer Duncan to discuss the creation of the company and the preparation of the patents.

While they were talking at the entrance of the hospital, a muscular woman with blond hair with some graying entered the hospital waiting area, the receptionist who was talking on the phone.

Was surprised to see such an extravagant woman so she gave him a smile "Good afternoon , ma'am, is there anything she can help you with?"

The woman laughed at the receptionist's reaction, "I'm Alina Petrrrova,  godmother of RRRoberrrt Adams,  man who is hospitalized forrr  gunshot vound frrrom  vaffle kingdom disaster.

I'd like to meet him."

Hearing that, the receptionist was stunned for a moment before blinking and looking at her computer, "Although I wish I could tell you where Mr. Robert Adams is, we have orders from the FBI to avoid any meetings.

If you want to meet his niece, you'll have to get a permit first."

Alina showed a disappointment on her face before taking out an old cell phone with which she began to dial a number, the receptionist looked curiously at what she was doing, Alina however because she was speaking in Russian.

She didn't understand anything she was saying except for some names like Flanagan and Liliana, the whole call lasted a few minutes before FBI agent Amanda came down from the elevator.

In disbelief, the woman watched as the female agent personally took Alina to the elevator, however she could not continue watching when the hand of her supervisor touched her shoulder.

"I don't know who you made angry but the director yelled at me for a few minutes and told me that you could take the rest of the day off, starting tomorrow you will be transferred to the administrative area.

You're lucky you're the director's niece, otherwise you would have been kicked out."

The receptionist swallowed and looked at the elevator with some fear, for her part Alina patted Amanda on the shoulder "I'm sorrry forrr making you kome forrr my Amanda, but it's imporrrtant zat I talk to nephew of me.

Especially since that idiot never told me he had a daughter…"

Amanda who was somewhat nervous showed a fake smile, Alina realized what she laughed before shaking her head "You don't have to be afraid of me girl, it's been a long time since I stopped being a KGB or CIA agent.

Those times are long gone, especially my butcher nickname so you don't have to worry about me doing anything to you."

Amanda who was trembling with fear felt relief when the elevator door opened "Your nephew is in room 92 on the right, if you need anything don't hesitate to let me know."

Alina, upon hearing that, could only sigh because she did not want to bother the poor agent who seemed to know her story, so she simply ignored her and walked towards room 92.

Upon arrival she opened the door and could see her nephew with her daughter while talking to a man who seemed to be a lawyer, Robert turned his head and looked at the muscular woman in military clothes at the door.

With some curiosity I turned her head and looked at Duncan "Is she a guest of yours?"

Duncan shook his head and watched as the woman approached Robert only to hit him on the head as if he were a small child "Zat's not  vay to talk to yourrr godmother.

last time I saw you, you verrre  brrrat who vas in kinderrrgarrrten, unforrrtunately vith death of yourrr grrrandfather I lost kontact vith you and yourrr family until I kould see how you left zat place in vaffle kingdom.

Although I kan't blame you forrr not talking to me, you still ove me  explanation of why you haven't claimed  zings yourrr grrrandfather left you."

Robert looked with some seriousness and bewilderment at the woman in front of him "I…I didn't know that Grandpa had left me something.

My father never forgave my grandfather, so after his death I never knew more about him or about the supposed inheritance that you mentioned, but if you say you are my godmother, what is your name?"

Alina sighed and sat on one of the chairs as she looked at little Lisa in Robert's arms "My name is Alina Petrrrova, I vas yourrr grrrandfather's rrright hand and durrring his last yearrrs you kan say zat I vas yourrr grrrandmother."

At that moment Alina raised her hand, showing a wedding ring on her finger "Hovever, yourrr grrrandfather died and my husband also left vith him, but now zat I found you again, I don't intend to leave yourrr side, especially bekause I have  beautiful Grrreat Grrranddaughter.

Also, bekause of  damage to yourrr leg, I konvinced zat you kannot prrrotect yourrrself, much less prrrotect yourrr daughter.

While koming to zis place I took  time to rrread yourrr file and I have to say zat you chose  bad voman forrr yourrr parrrtner, but at least it vas  smarrrt voman since I did not trrry to take yourrr daughter frrrom you.

If she had done it, horrrible zings kould possibly have happened to her, chances arrre her law firrrm vould have seen yourrr last name and zat's why I advise against fighting forrr kustody of Lisa."

Robert, who told us how to react, hugged his daughter and looked seriously at Alina "Who was my grandfather who could even scare away a woman like my ex-wife?"

Alina crossed her arms and smiled "He vas one of  most poverrrful bastarrrds in CIA, he vas one who rrreskued me after  fall of  berrrlin vall.

But although I vould like to tell you morrre, yourrr lavyer kould advise you not to do it bekause zerrre is classified inforrrmation which kould get you in trrrouble."

Robert then could only take a deep breath before looking at Alina with some seriousness "Since you've made a decision, I suppose you could help me and my lawyer so they can discharge me.

Although it is a good hospital, I do not want my daughter to spend a lot of time in this place."

Alina showed a sympathetic face before patting Lisa's head "You took my decision too naturrrally, I guess yourrr father told you some zings about yourrr grrrandfather."

Robert shrugged at him before scratching his cheek "My father always hated grandfather and that's why he avoided talking about his, but he always made one thing clear to me even in the last moments of his life he told me.

That if someone related to my grandfather came to see me, I simply had to accept what they told me, also knowing that my grandfather worked abroad a lot and because of some of my father's stories.

I assumed that he must be an important person and that you are with me proves it, but even though you are my grandmother legally I hope you don't mind if I call you Alina although maybe my daughter can call you grandmother.

Also maybe would be a nice idea to try to eliminate that accent because my daughter could repeat in the school just for make fun, and no want to have troubles with you"

Alina upon hearing that began to laugh as she patted her leg "I kan vorrrk vith zat but now it's time to talk to yourrr lavyer bekause even zough you managed to surrrvive vith yourrr daughter.

zieves who rrrobbed  vaffle kingdom place killed  kashier of  place along vith  grrroup of 20 people, only you, Lisa and  girrrl you rrreskued verrre  only surrrvivorrrs.

Zis vouldn't be  prrroblem if it verrren't forrr  fact zat  lokal kashier vas  daughter of  imporrrtant state kongrrressman who didn't like zat you vent out vith yourrr daughter and  other voman, beforrre saving daughter of her.

Although it's  stupid zought, she vants someone to pay forrr yourrr daughter's death and it seems zat she vants you as  sacrrrifice, but luckily I made some kalls  few hourrrs ago and zings vill go smoothly.

Just  few minorrr details to see."

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