High society party part 1

Marc was feeling a little nervous as he dressed for the party. He hadn't been to a high society party before in years, and he wasn't quite sure what to expect. But he was determined to prove to Jhon and his family that he was capable of succeeding without their help.

When he arrived at the party, he ran into Melinda, who was radiant in her long dress and elegant hairstyle.

"Marc, it's so good to see you here! Let me introduce you to my best friend, Sarah," Melinda said, pointing to a tall, slender woman in a dazzling red dress.

Sarah held out her hand to Marc, "Nice to meet you, Marc. Melinda has told me so much about you."

"The pleasure is mine," Marc said, smiling. "Thank you for inviting me to the party."

"Of course," Sarah said, nodding. "It's an exclusive party, so I hope you enjoy the experience."

Marc looked around and noticed that all the attendees were dressed in fancy, expensive clothes. It was a high society gathering, and he felt a little out of place.

"Would you like something to drink?" asked Sarah, interrupting his thoughts. "There's a bar in the other room."

"Thanks, I'd love one," Marc said.

They walked together into the other room, where the bar was located. Marc noticed that the room was full of people talking and laughing, while music played in the background.

"What would you like to drink out of?" asked Sarah.

"Just a beer, thanks," Marc replied.

Sarah ordered two beers from the bartender and handed them to Marc.

"How do you like the party so far?" asked Sarah.

"Well, it's a little different than what I'm used to," said Marc, smiling nervously. "But I'm excited to be here and to meet new people."

"I hear you," Sarah said, smiling. "It's not easy moving in these circles, but I'm sure you'll do fine."

Just then, Marc noticed someone staring at him from across the room. It was Jhon, with a surprised expression on his face.

Marc decided to go say hello to brother-in-law, but Sarah stopped him. "You'd better stay here a while longer, Marc. I want to introduce you to some more people."

Sarah led him around the room, introducing him to several of the guests. Marc tried to keep up with their conversations, but felt a little overwhelmed by all the noise and activity.

Finally, Sarah led him to a group of people who seemed to be enjoying a lively conversation.

"Guys, I want you to meet Marc!" announced Melinda to her group of friends gathered in the large living room. "Marc, these are my socialite friends, some of the most influential members of our city."

Marc, who had remained in the discreet background, nodded politely as those present came forward to greet him. Melinda approached him and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine," she whispered in his ear before walking away to speak to another guest.

Marc looked around, feeling a little intimidated by the ostentatious decor and refined atmosphere of the party. But remembering his goal of proving himself without Jhon's help, he decided he should behave with confidence and poise.

He soon found himself in the middle of a lively conversation with a young woman named Rachel, who showed interest in his career as an entrepreneur. As they talked, Marc realized that Rachel was trying to elicit information about his contacts and capital, but he responded with clever evasions.

"I love your entrepreneurial attitude," Rachel said with a smile. "I'm sure you've built a great network and have a lot of resources for your business."

Marc looked at her with a friendly smile, but didn't reveal anything. "Well, it's always important to have a good team and resources for any successful venture," he replied in a neutral tone.

Rachel seemed unwilling to give up. "Yes, of course, but I'm sure you have some important connections in town," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

Marc shrugged. "Maybe here and there, but nothing worth mentioning at a party like this," he said with a soft laugh.

Rachel looked disappointed, but kept smiling. "Well then, what's your next big project?" she asked, changing the subject.

Marc told her about his idea for a mobile app he was working on developing and Rachel seemed interested and excited. 

Finally, she excused herself and walked away to greet someone else, leaving Marc feeling like he had kept his guard up against overly inquisitive questions.

"Marc, I've heard a lot about you lately," the man said with a sly smile. "Jhon has told me about your ventures and your ambition. I'd love to have a more detailed talk with you some other time."

Marc wasn't sure how to respond, feeling a strange mixture of gratitude and suspicion. How had the man come to know about him? Was it Jhon's trap or just a fluke? 

He decided it was best to keep a reserved attitude and be grateful for the offer.

"Very kind of you, sir," he said with a polite smile. "I'd love the opportunity to talk to you as well."

The evening passed with a series of similar encounters, each more challenging than the last. Marc was confronted by a series of sly, cynical personalities intent on probing his weaknesses and exploiting his connections.

But rather than let them back him into a corner, Marc stood his ground, using his negotiating skills and knowledge of the business world to fight back.

Finally, after several hours of socializing and negotiating, Marc felt exhausted and a little disillusioned. He had learned a lot about the challenges facing high society, but he had also realized that it was not easy to succeed without the help of influential people.

Will this party help marc identify what the keys are to his plan? Will his family let him be successful while they can do everything to ruin him? Will Melinda, respecting the memory of her grandfather and the commitment she has accepted, remain the submissive woman who accepts the husband she has been offered?

It will continue...

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