Chapter 12: Lectures

The Next day,

Yetunde’s Room,

Solaris Arcane Academy,

Solaris City.

Yetunde was seen prepping herself for her classes while Vanessa, her roommate, was still in bed. Yetunde confusedly stared at her roommate, who for some reason, decided to sleep in.

“Vanessa……Vanessa!” Yetunde exclaimed, trying to wake her roomie up.

“What…. What… I’m up!” Vanessa suddenly yelled, out rightly jumping out of her bed.

She immediately went back to sleep, gravely irritating Yetunde.

“Vanessa, wake up will you!” Yetunde exclaimed, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

“Don’t….. worry…. about me” Vanessa slowly said.

“Fine!” Yetunde said, casually waving at her sleepy roomie, promptly walking out of the room..

Before all the students head to class, they were expected to meet at the Academy’s Cafeteria for breakfast.

Yetunde slowly walked in, noticing the enormous crowd, she involuntarily shrieked, but luckily, no one noticed. Despite the large number of Students in the Cafeteria, the entire room seemed to contain them all and even more.

After grabbing her meal, She got to a stand still, earnestly staring at the various seats in Cafeteria, when she suddenly spotted Reynolds, who was shockingly on his own.

“Alright then!” She thought to herself, walking towards Rey.

“Hi!” She said, grabbing his attention.

“Hey Yetunde, didn’t see you they!” Rey replied, promptly urging her to take a seat.

“How are you this morning?” He inquired , taking a huge bite into his food.

“I’m fine” She replied, prepping to dig in.

“That’s great!” He said with a mouthful, causing Yetunde release a hearty chuckle.

“Don’t you know it’s wrong to talk with your mouth full!” She commented, staring solemnly at the awkward male in front of her.

“Say what now?” He replied with a mouthful.

“Okay…. That’s being gross!” She said, fixating her attention on her food.

Seeing her reaction, Reynolds couldn’t help himself as he released a hysterical laugh, grabbing the attention of the other students.

“Whoa, that’s Reynolds!”

“He has a Dual Affinity”

“That’s awesome!”

“Look at that chick with him”

“She s Yetunde”

“I heard her Affinity is Azure Flames”

“Do you think she’s dating Reynolds”

“Nah, I doubt it!”

“Then explain that!” The Bypassing students murmured amongst themselves, earnestly staring at the duo.

‘Do you feel like someone’s staring at you?” Yetunde promptly inquired.

“Yeah, there’s a dozen of people here staring at us” Reynolds replied, weirdly staring at Yetunde.

“I guess you’re right” She said, returning her attention to her food.

“But what’s this strange feeling!” She thought to herself, staring earnestly at the ceiling, which was apparently made out of reinforced glass.

Unknown to Yetunde, Davis was sitting not far away from hers. As she and Reynolds chatted, he rapidly got angry, releasing a little bit of his bloodlust.

“How dare she rejects my offer and becomes aquatinted with that scumbag!” He thought to himself, involuntarily banging his fist on the table.

“I swear, I’m going to make her pay!”


At the same time the students were in the Cafeteria, an Instructor was seen casually standing in an empty room, doing nothing but stare at a broken shard of glass. This weird Instructor was none other than Lupercio, and through this shard of glass, he was able to see everything that transpired in the Cafeteria.

“She was able to sense me!” Lupercio thought to himself.

“How was she able to do that when she hasn’t even manifested it yet.

Hmm….. I guess you are special…. Yetunde” Lupercio said, wearing a sinister grin.

Few Minutes later, Breakfast was clearly over, as the students flocked out of the Cafeteria, in an orderly manner.

All the newly enrolled students, went straight to the Great Hall, where they were supposed to have their first lesson of the day.

The Great Hall.

All the First Year students were seen sitting earnestly in their seats, waiting for their Instructor.

“Are you serious?” Reynolds said , while laughed hysterically.

“Yeah, she was a little crazy!” Yetunde replied, obviously referring to Vanessa.

“You can’t blame her, you’re really inspiring” Reynolds mockingly commented.

“Haha, real funny. What about your Roommate?” Yetunde curiously inquired.

“Like I said yesterday, He’s a total weirdo!” Reynolds said, rolling his eyes

Hearing Reynolds, Yetunde couldn’t help but erupt in laughter, “Sorry about that!” She said, trying suck up her laughter.

“It’s not your fault!” He commented.

“What’s his name ?” Yetunde curiously inquired.

“Kyle Jordan!” Rey promptly replied.

“Sounds cool” Yetunde said, staring at Rey.

“There’s nothing cool about him. He’s just a freaking nuisance” Reynolds exclaimed, frantically waving his hands in annoyance.

“Alright Drama king” Yetunde said , shifting her attention towards the Giant board like structure in the front of the hall.

Suddenly, a man dressed in a white long sleeve shirt with a black colored trouser alongside a blue neck tie, walked into the Hall. His presence instantly caused the noisy students to discontinue their chatter, fixating their attention on him. He stood by the Giant board like structure, earnestly staring at the students.

“Good day Students… My name is Joyner Wilson, an Instructor from the Lightning Faction and I will be your Instructor, taking you all on Arcane History” The man brightly exclaimed.

“I know you all are here to learn the Fundamental principles and aspects of The Arcane which you’ll imbibe into your various Affinities, but firstly, you will have to learn the Historical details of the Arcane” Joyner explained.

“History is a very vital component of life and without History we won’t have progress” He said.

Joyner’s class took a total of four hours and after the time elapsed, he and students left the hall. Most students went to the Library, some to their various rooms, while some, to the Cafeteria, so they could spend their two hour break. After that, they were all expected to meet at their various Factions training facility.

Exiting the Library, Yetunde met up Reynolds, as they walked over their Factions Training facility.

On arrival, it seemed like they were the last to get there, as it was already packed with students from the Fire Faction and Lightning Faction. It wasn’t only the students who were present in the Training Facility, the Head Instructor for both Factions were also present. After a brief moment of silence, both Instructors simultaneously addressed the students.

“Good day Students, I assume you already know who we are, so there’s no need to reintroduce ourselves” Blake said, facing the students.

“I’m you’re wondering why both Factions are here together…. I promise we will give you an explanation” Clark said.

“Some of you might know that both me and Clark are brothers, so we decided to combine most of our lessons together!” Blake promptly added.

“That’s not the only reason. Since both Lightning and Fire holds an immense amount of destructive power, we resorted in combining the classes, to groom that destructive power!” Clark and Blake simultaneously exclaimed, wearing a vicious grin.

“Let’s move onto today’s agenda, which is going to an Introductory class” Blake said.

“Classes in various Faction are meant to build your combat skills, teaching you all how to further control and manipulate your Affinity…… but before we teach you anything, We want to test the skills you already have” Clark promptly added.

Immediately Clark finished his explanation, he spotted a student, frantically waving his hand in the air, signifying he had a question.

“Yes, you over there!” Clark commented, pointing at the waving student.

“What’s your question?” Clark inquired.

“Er….. You said, you were going to test the skills we already have, I just want to know how are you going to conduct the test?” The Student frightfully asked.

“We are going to test your skills by…. Performing a combat Exercise where each student will be paired up with another student from a different Faction” Blake excitedly replied.

“During the exercise, killing your opponent is highly prohibited but you are allowed to go all out against your opponent…. The winner of the exercise will be declared by either Incapacitation or a concede!” Blake promptly added, glaring earnestly at the students

“Those injured will be immediately taken care of” Clark added.

“Without further questions, let’s begin!” Blake excitedly exclaimed, wearing a sadistic grin.

“The First match will be ……… “

A total of twenty matches were fought, with only five students suffering sever injuries, while the rest, were perfectly fine.

“The next match will be, Jason Grey versus Daniella Andrea…” Clark promptly exclaimed.

Almost immediately two students were seen walking towards each. One was a guy while the other was clearly a girl. This meant the guy was Jason while the latter was Daniella.

Jason had a spiky long black hair which look totally messy, and long slender eyes. As he made his way to the arena, he had his hands in his pocket, showings extreme confidence in his skills.

Daniella on the other end, had a bright chocolate color skin, Long braided black hair, long slender eyes and an extremely attractive body build. Unlike Jason who was completely confident, she was totally nervous about her fight.

“Are you ready Princess?..... I’m going to take you down!”.

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