Fernando got home and showered up as usual before leaving for work. One can easily tell that this young man was overjoyed because of something best known to him.

Immediately he got to the store, he met the long queue in the store as countless customers waited to be attempted to.

Fernando could hear many of them murmuring because they had stayed longer than they should have.

However, some of them went ahead to complain about the absence of Fernando, who was supposed to be around to assist his boss.

He mingled his way through until he was able to get to the counter. As if the customers were controlled by a remote, some of them immediately left the queue and went to Fernando.

Thankfully, as soon as he started collecting payments for things bought, the tension in the shop decreased.

Mr. Lucas was too busy to say anything to Fernando after noticing when he entered the shop.

After a few hours of attending to the customers, they finally got some spare time to speak to each other.

Seeing the
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