The Fourth Holder Of Aegis

“Fourth holder of what?” I can't believe what I just heard, an unknown floating object just speak to me.

I try to go back to my room but something invisible is keeping me inside. If it weren’t for the fact that I can’t go back, I would not even have the courage to stand on my legs right now.

-You are the fourth holder of Aegis-

“Aegis? Does it mean the metal ball?” I think to myself because that is the only thing that I held on to last before getting pulled in this strange world.

-The Aegis is the accumulated power passed down by the first holder to the last-

-Aegis is a magic artifact that was created in the beginning of time-

The more I listen to the object’s words, the more I think that I am losing my mind. “Magic artifact that was created during the creation of everything? Is there even an object like that?” I want to ask the object that question but the feeling that I’d get killed once I open my mouth is hindering me.

-It is as you think, mortal. The object that you are holding, is the Aegis.-

I’m confused as to why the object says that, I want to retort but the moment I raise my hand, the metal ball is indeed in my hands. “What the h- how did this get here?”

This time, instead of answering my question. The flying object hovers near my hand where the object is, and stays there for a moment before going back.

-The Aegis has accepted you as it’s master. Before it was not in your hands when you entered this dimension. And now, here it is-

I’m confused, I don’t even know what this thing can do and yet it chose me, why? “Why did it choose me?” I ask.

The flying object just hover above me for a few seconds before floating in front of me again.

“There are countless better people than me, why chose me?” I add in. “If this will just give me false hope, I’d rather forget that any of this ever happened.” I think to myself as the object continues to maintain silence.

-You have been chosen exactly because of who you are, Ibis Draco. You who has no affinity to magic. The fourth Null of the fourth century-

I felt chills in my entire body as soon as it says those words, “Fourth Null? What the hell is that? Is that what they call people like me with no magic affinity? And what does it mean by fourth?”

With so much questions I want answered. I turn to the flying object, but it is no longer there, instead, I am staring at our ceiling. “I’m back? Was it all an illusion? But why does it feel so real?”

And at that moment, my heart beat fast even more when I realize that the metal ball is gone and turned into a strange bracelet with a white gemstone surrounded by runic characters.

“I was chosen but what does this thing do?” I did not have to ask that to myself. I know what exactly I should do and that is to find out what ‘Null’ means.


“I guess I should eat first before leaving. What the heck, why did I get hungry? Didn’t I just eat before everything happened?”

It no use thinking about it now, I should just follow what my body tells me. Right after eating my full of bread and milk, I leave our house in hope that I will find out what ‘Null’ means.

I ask everyone that sells grimoires and artifacts, and they all give me the same answer. ‘What is that?’ and they even give me a strange look before I left their shops. “Its like the word doesn’t even exist. What is going on?” I said to myself as I lean to a wall after expending most of my energy looking for an answer in our town.

“I’m naïve. Did I honestly expect to find all the answers here in our town?” I come to the realization that only the more renowned city will have the answer that I am seeking.

“The problem is how will I get there, the first place that comes to mind is Arcania. It’s not a place that I can easily have access to. Can I even navigate and get there safely?” with that, I have even more problems now.

While I ponder on the things that I am facing, I did not notice someone calling out to me.

“Ibis! Ibis! Hey you deaf fool!” Fernan lands a flying kick to my face. I was so absorbed on what I should do that I did not even sense him coming straight towards me.

“GEUK!” that attack shake my troubled head even more that I feel like I am about to faint with that attack alone. “Fernan, you bastard- what was that all about? You nearly killed me.” I am not exaggerating.

With all the problems that I am facing right now, I don’t even know if I will live before all of the questions are answered.

“I did not want to do this, but something is compelling me to find out what Null means or what this artifact can do. Is it my will to become a mage that force me to find out more about my kind?”

I knew the answer to that. Even though I have given up on becoming a mage after seeing the same result, a part of me wants to continue in that thorny path.

Before I can lament on what is going on with my life, Farnan gives me an awakening slap.


“You fool! What are you sitting in a daze for?” I am about to scold him for what he did to me but what he says next shocked me. “Did you know that you have been missing for a whole week without a trace?!”

I am too shocked to even mutter a single word, “I-I was missing for a w-week?” I am taken aback by what he just told me and reluctantly denies his claims.

“What are you talking about? I did not even leave our house.” I answer back, and he just glares at me, and before I knew it, he grabs my collar and pull me closer to him.

“Are you messing with me, Ibis? Because I’m not kidding right now.”

It is the first time that I feel Fernan threatened me. This has not happened in the past and the look in his eyes justifies the truth in his words. “It can’t be. It’s impossible.” My thoughts are in disarray, I can’t process what just happened and what happened to me.

Seeing how Fernan reacted to my words, it seems like he is speaking the truth.

“I immediately come here looking for you when some of the owners of the shops told us that you were asking them about something.” He adds in.

It is then I realize what those strange look they gave me mean. So they learned that I disappeared as well. “No wonder they are giving me the strange look on their faces. So it was about that, huh?”

In disbelief, I turn to the artifact and just glare at it. “So that’s why I feel so hungry even after just eating my meal before entering my room. That floating shining bastard should have warned me about something like this happening!” I want to curse at that object.

The thought of meeting it again makes me want to destroy it with my bare hands. I feel angry all of a sudden.

A few moments later, my parents arrived, and I received unending scolding from my father telling me that my mother fainted a few times thinking about me. Fortunately enough, my mother stands up to defend me, and they demand I tell them about what happened and where I have been the entire time.

And they reacted like how Fernan did the moment I told them the truth. I try to reason with them and our discussion continues for a long time that we cannot see the end of it.

Without reaching a conclusion, my parents decided to put it on hold for now as they are glad that I have returned.


-Somewhere in the outskirts of Romania-


The old man that gave Ibis the grimoire is wrapping his severed arm to try and stop the bleeding after his carriage is ambushed by people in pitch black clothes.

“It’s not here, boss.” A man reports after rummaging through all the books.

Their leader, a man with a blindfold turns to the old man and points his finger, “Where is it?” he asks sternly. “I am reaching the end of my patience. This will not end with you only losing a single arm.” He threatens him.

Even with being threatened so blatantly, the old man continues to remain calm and even turns to the coachman tied up beside him, and whispers, “Your job here is done. You can go on ahead.”

The coachman nods his head and almost immediately, a ring of runic characters appear around the coachman’s neck, and he explodes. Splattering his insides around him.


The old man coated in blood and guts look directly at the leader coldly as the latter is taken aback by what he witnessed. “Did you think that I am afraid of death? It matters not how many arms or legs you severe. I am not giving you the answer that you want.”

And at that moment, the severed arm grows back, and the old man reaches out to the leader, “Here, you can cut it again and see if I care.”

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