The Elemental Gauntlet: Part II

Kael took a deep breath as he stepped up to the starting mark of the elemental gauntlet. Corrin, Lorne, and Eamon wished him luck, their eyes filled with encouragement and concern. Despite their support, Kael couldn't help but feel nervous. He had barely learned how to use his magic, and now he was faced with an incredibly difficult set of challenges to overcome.

As he picked up the orb, its delicate nature became immediately apparent. It felt fragile in his hands, as if it could shatter at any moment. He knew he had to be incredibly careful if he was going to keep it safe throughout the gauntlet.

Drawing upon his nature magic and the skills he had learned with the elemental weave, Kael gently guided the magic to create a harness that wrapped securely around the orb. The harness clung tightly to his chest, ensuring the orb would be protected and close to him at all times.

With the orb safely secured, Kael stepped onto the first stage of the gauntlet. Almost instantly, he was assaulted
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