He is Lin Tian

Now, when they looked at Mo Xin and the others, they were also looking at him, or rather looking at Lin Lin.

But when they saw Lin Lin there, they showed fear and horror on their faces.

The incident in the Emperor's Secret Room seemed like something they had experienced, but they were lucky to survive.

However, when they looked back at the innocent-looking Lin Lin there, they still remembered that incident, and the fear still had not disappeared in their hearts.

They all still showed anger and fear in their eyes, but they didn't say anything and only glanced at Mo Xin.

Mo Xin, who was standing in front of them and was watching Lin Lin there also felt the same thing, but it was more real and fear and big questions were clearly visible in his eyes.

Because of all the people who saw the incident, Mo Xin seemed to know it and knew what it was.

Nether Judgment.

That name seemed to be clearly imprinted in Mo Xin's memory, and it was still something that traumatized him and did not dare to
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