35- The Alchemist

Siphex was hidden in an alley behind the line of stores as he exited the book store through the window. 'I can't believe that worked, they really went behind that decoy thinking it was me,' Siphex thought, his senses heightened as he checked his surroundings to ensure all was well.

As soon as he was free of the stalkers, he quietly returned to the street and proceeded on his way to the alchemist.

'How much further do I have to walk to get there?' Siphex, on the other hand, had been going into the same direction for quite some time. After a while, the road came to an end as he was greeted by a small clearing in a garden, with a few buildings facing the garden on all sides, one of which was a mid-sized building made of wood and stones, but there was something odd about it as a large tree was piercing through its roof, and it was also covered with plants and vegetations.

'I guess the baron wasn't lying when he claimed i wouldn't miss it,' siphex thought as he reached the clearing and app
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