Saving Spidey II

Bayo skidded to a stop as his eyes widened at the sight that was before him. He was not expecting to turn up to something like that. Not in the very least. The plan had been to come down here and to get Spidey and then,make their way away from here. And with the chaos and the commotion in all of Laprisha, it would be evn easy for them to make it out of the town without having to get the Adzes on their tail. 

That was what he had hoped for. But then again, Fate had come down here to mock him. Like it always did. And right now, it was in the time when he knew he was not a match for what was going to happen. 

Now when the Takers were involved. 

The Takers, the ones he had come to know, were with the frail looking Adze man with his body in a large balck obe. The neck sleeve was large enough to pass off as some sort of wrapping at the neck with just enough airspace between the mouth and the rest of the body to the fabric of the material. The sleeves of

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