97 - Asher's last Hurrah for Papia

At breakfast the next day, after the weirdness Asher had with the dragon last night, he announced that he had big news.

As I nonchalantly smeared jelly on a piece of bread, Asher rose from his seat and directed his attention towards the king. “"I have some big news," he announced, causing a sense of anticipation to fill the room. All eyes were now on him as he continued, "I would like for Papia to stay here in my stead, permanently. As a guide for you, but also as an important task which I believe will help her grow into her future responsibilities. She'll be dealing with all matters related to elves.

I’d also like Ravana to look over her. A dragon, especially her, is someone I’d trust.

What do you say, King Padillia?"

There was a silence. I was in shock.

As I thought about Asher's proposal, the king spoke up, stammering slightly. "I-I don't know- well, if you, rather, her... think it's best."

Turning towards me, Asher asked, "And you, Papia. Are you fine with this development? A life
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